Orange County NC Website
proposals for the legislative agenda. He said that Orange County used to be known for the <br />beautiful stretch of I-40 and the span of trees on each side, and the trees are rapidly <br />disappearing. He would like to keep some buffers along the roadways. He made reference to a <br />conversation he had with someone from Catawba County that is going to be bringing in trees <br />from five states to feed a mill. He suspects there will be trees from Orange County heading <br />there. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he has been impressed by Mr. Pressley and his <br />associates and there is a new spirit of cooperation. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve the annual agreement between Orange County and the North Carolina Department of <br />Environment and Natural Resources (DENR} far protection, development, reforestation, <br />management and improvement of forestlands located in the County and authorize the Chair to <br />sign, subject to final review by staff and the County Attorney. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />6. Resolutions or Proclamations <br />a. Resolution of Approval -Agricultural and Watershed Protection Conservation <br />Easement for John and Carolyn Lloyd <br />The Board considered a resolution to approve the acceptance of an agricultural and <br />watershed protection conservation easement from John and Carolyn Lloyd, the conservation <br />easement to be held jointly by Orange County and the Orange Water and Sewer Authority <br />(OWASA) and authorizing the Chair to sign. <br />Land Conservation Manager Rich Shaw said that he is bringing this back to the Board <br />for consideration. This is collaboration between Orange County, Orange Water and Sewer <br />Authority, and John and Carolyn Lloyd. <br />The first joint project between the County and OWASA was approved for the McPherson <br />farm located at the headwaters of Tom's Creek. The Lloyd farm is also located on Tom's Creek <br />about 500 feet west of the Cane Creek reservoir. The Lloyds raise cattle an a 130-acre farm <br />that they have owned since 1957. Orange County and OWASA are considering a joint <br />purchase of an agricultural and watershed protection conservation easement of 121 acres of <br />this property. <br />This item was originally brought to the Board on October 5th, and one of the issues <br />discussed was that the Lloyds are considering a change in their operation to plant trees for <br />future harvest rather than raise cattle. The easement presented included special provisions <br />developed by North Carolina's Land Trusts to address commercial forestry activity on an <br />easement property. The Board asked for additional safeguards to protect Tom's Creek, views <br />along public roadways, and to protect other public interests. The Lloyds, and OWASA, have <br />agreed to the additional requirements. The cost of the easement purchase is $3,500 per acre, <br />or an estimated $423,000 split equally between the County and OWASA. <br />Chair Carey read the resolution. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve the acceptance of an agricultural and watershed protection conservation easement <br />from John and Carolyn Lloyd, the conservation easement to be held jointly by Orange County <br />and the Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA}, and authorize the Chair to sign. <br />RESOLUTION <br />APPROVAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND WATERSHED PROTECTION CONSERVATION <br />EASEMENT BETWEEN ORANGE COUNTY, ORANGE WATER & SEWER AUTHORITY, <br />AND JOHN AND CAROLYN LLOYD <br />