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The staff is recommending that the budget be set at $4.1 million. Staff will come back at <br />the January meeting with a set of funding options for the Board to define where the money <br />comes from and the opportunities for private funding. <br />PUBLIC COMMENT: <br />Robert Seymour spoke in support of this proposal. He is a member of the design <br />committee. He recognized two members of the Board of the Friends of the Chapel Hill Senior <br />Center and two members of the staff. He thanked the County Commissioners that have worked <br />to bring this item forward. He especially thanked Commissioner Foushee for publicly supporting <br />this in her recent campaign. He also thanked John Link for his support. He said that 15 years <br />has passed since he proposed a new senior center for Chapel Hill. There was some reluctance <br />on the Board at that time to move forward. He said that the County agreed to put in 213 of the <br />cost of leasing the space and the seniors have been raising the final third for 15 years. He said <br />that the senior population is estimated at aver 10,000 in southern Orange County. The RSVP <br />program now has over 600 seniors that are placed in volunteer positions all around the County, <br />particularly in the public school system, hospital, library, and non-profit groups. He said that the <br />senior population represents a significant percentage of the tax base of the County. He made <br />reference to the kitchen of the proposed building and said that they very much need a <br />commercial kitchen. One of the great frustrations at the current center is that they have had to <br />rely on caterers and there are many occasions where they would like to be able to prepare food <br />on site for large groups. One of their other visions is that Meals on Wheels be a base at the <br />Chapel Hill Senior Center where the seniors would provide meal service to homebound seniors <br />from the senior center. He hopes that the new senior center will serve the seniors for at least <br />another 15-20 years, but that it be built in such a way that it can be expanded if needed. He <br />regrets that the bond that was passed for senior centers does not provide enough money to <br />build what they need. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to page 4 and the list of owner supplied items, <br />where it mentions added storm water detention pond. He asked where this was on the property. <br />Pam Jones said that this has not been designated yet. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked the architect, Richard Gurlitz, how the proposal to build the <br />building, without outfitting it completely, would work. Richard Gurlitz said that the typical way to <br />do this is to set priorities and build what is absolutely needed and then add on from that. For <br />example, the classrooms could be one large area to be subdivided at a future time. The office <br />area may be one large area as opposed to small offices that would be subdivided later. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked the architect to confirm that the $4.1 million would be <br />enough to build at least the 25, 000 square feet, although some of the building might need to <br />be the basic shell, and Richard Gurlitz said yes. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that this has been going on for 15 years and this facility <br />needs to be built now, even if it means just having a shell in some areas and outfitting it later. If <br />a detention pond is needed, the cost should be shared with other projects going on and not put <br />solely on the back of the senior center. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br />approve establishing a budget of $4.1 million to support the facility program far the new 25,000 <br />square foot Southern Orange Senior Center, being developed in collaboration with the Southern <br />Orange Senior Center Planning Committee; and direct staff to bring forward funding options by <br />January 2005, that addresses the construction of both senior centers. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. 10-Year Student Membership Projections and Schools Adequate Public <br />Facilities Ordinance (SAPFO) Implications <br />