Orange County NC Website
State of North Carolina to operate as an LME /MCO under North Carolina's 1915(b)/(c) Medicaid <br />Waiver Program to serve the New Catchment Area as a single prepaid inpatient health plan for <br />mental health, intellectual /developmental disabilities and substance abuse services, effective <br />July 1, 2012; and <br />WHEREAS, the Boards of County Commissioners of Orange, Person and Chatham Counties <br />have previously approved OPC's entering into the Management, Merger and Dissolution <br />Agreement with PBH, and approved by joint resolution the establishment of PBH as an area <br />authority for the New Catchment Area, as of July 1, 2012; and <br />WHEREAS, OPC, PBH and Five County have jointly and separately recommended to their <br />respective constituent counties a consolidation of those three distinct area programs into one <br />single Area Authority, LME and MCO accountable to the counties of the New Catchment Area; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Orange County finds that the dissolution of OPC <br />and the consolidation of its operations with those of PBH and Five County to serve the New <br />Catchment Area under the 1915(b)/(c) Medicaid Waiver Program is in the public interest and <br />would better meet the needs of persons with mental illness, developmental disabilities and <br />substance abuse issues residing in the region in light of the provisions of 2011 N.C. Session <br />Laws 264; and <br />WHEREAS, upon the dissolution of OPC, the Boards of County Commissioners of Orange, <br />Person and Chatham Counties shall appoint the members of the Community Oversight Board <br />for PBH in their respective counties to ensure that PBH properly maintains and provides mental <br />health, developmental disabilities and substance abuse service programs in those counties; and <br />WHEREAS, if at any time PBH fails to provide any mental health, developmental disabilities and <br />substance abuse services deemed necessary by said Counties, then the Counties may provide <br />those services as an in -kind appropriation for purposes of N.C. Gen. Stat. § 122C -115; and <br />WHEREAS, a notice of the meeting of the Board of Commissioners has been duly published, <br />and all other legal requirements have been satisfied in order for the Board to approve this <br />resolution. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, be it jointly resolved as follows: <br />1. PURPOSE. In recognition of the fact that pursuant to the Management, <br />Merger and Dissolution Agreement dated April 1, 2012, PBH has been performing <br />OPC's obligations under Contract #206 -010 with the North Carolina Department of <br />Health and Human Services since April 1, 2012, and as of July 1, 2012, PBH will <br />operate as the LME /MCO in the counties of Orange, Person and Chatham, and OPC <br />shall be considered to have dissolved pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 122C- 115.3. <br />2. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, LOCAL PRESENCE AND COMMUNITY <br />OVERSIGHT BOARD. The principal office of PBH, under whatever name it shall be <br />known in the future, is located at 4855 Milestone Avenue, Kannapolis, NC 28081. The <br />current local offices of OPC will remain at 100 Europa Drive, Suite 490, Chapel Hill, NC <br />27517 and will become the Local Office of PBH following the Effective Date of the <br />dissolution and has been identified by PBH and shall continue to be identified as "OPC <br />Community Operations Center, a division of PBH." The Board of Commissioners of <br />