Orange County NC Website
The Board considered adapting the third draft of the Rules of Procedure Governing the <br />Organization and Operation of the Orange County Animal Services Advisory Board. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that number one should say, "The Animal Services Advisory <br />Board, hereafter the Board, should consist of 12 members appointed by the Orange County <br />Board of Commissioners." On, number five, Committees, it should say Professional Animal <br />Management Slot and not slots. Also, on page six, rule three, proposed agenda, it should say, <br />"Each Board member shall receive a copy of the proposed agenda and any relevant materials <br />for each agenda item at least three working days before the meeting." <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordan, seconded by Chair Jacobs to adopt the <br />third draft of the Rules of Procedure Governing the Organization and Operation of the Orange <br />County Animal Services Advisory Board, with editorial corrections. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />6. Resolutions or Proclamations <br />a. Winter Weather Awareness Week Proclamation <br />The Board considered designating the week of December 5-December 11, 2004 as <br />Winter Weather Awareness Week in Orange County. <br />Emergency Management Specialist Eric Griffin said that this item is to bring to their <br />attention the dangers of winter weather. He read the proclamation. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br />approve and authorize the Chair to sign the proclamation as stated below: <br />A PROCLAMATION <br />Winter Weather Awareness Week <br />December 5 through 11, 2004 <br />WHEREAS, The National Weather Service and the Governor of North Carolina have <br />proclaimed the week of December 5 through 11, 2004 as Winter Weather <br />Awareness Week; and, <br />WHEREAS, Orange County frequently experiences winter weather each year; and, <br />WHEREAS, Most injuries and fatalities are indirectly related to a winter and associated <br />storms, such as heart attacks while shoveling snow, vehicle collisions, carbon <br />monoxide poisoning, etc.; and, <br />WHEREAS, Residents must use safe alternative heat sources during the winter months; <br />NOW THEREFORE, The Orange County Board of Commissioners hereby proclaims the week <br />of December 5 through 11, 2004, as Winter Weather Awareness Week, and <br />encourages all residents to learn more about winter weather and be aware of <br />its dangers, especially during the winter months. <br />Adopted this 6th day of December, 2004. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />