Orange County NC Website
4 <br />4 <br />are challenged from the State and the realities of what they are trying to accomplish in the <br />local level. He said that the school systems have opportunities to deal with the issues of <br />mandated class sizes without it becoming an immediate capital consideration. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the Intergovernmental Parks work group met on <br />November 17`" far the first time in about a year and there was good attendance. She <br />represented Orange County and chaired the meeting in the absence of Commissioner Brown. <br />She said that the Town of Mebane is going to be building four soccer fields in town in the near <br />future. She is going to ask Environment and Resource Conservation Director David Stancil to <br />get this map and the notes of that meeting to the Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Gordan said that there is a TAC meeting on Wednesday far the <br />Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization. The request to keep the <br />metropolitan area boundary the same in Orange County appears to have been granted for now. <br />The staff is recommending that na change be made to the boundary in Orange County at this <br />time, but they want to review the boundary in the future. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that there was an article in the News and Observer today <br />entitled, "When Medicines III-Serve the Public." This was done in the wake of the Vioxx recall <br />and other drugs. She said that the article points out that the adverse drug reactions could be <br />quite severe. It also makes reference to a controversial study in 1998 that found that mare than <br />100,000 hospitalized patients died mainly because of adverse drug reactions, making <br />prescription drugs the fourth leading cause of death in America. She asked Health Director <br />Rosemary Summers to look into this matter and the status of this and if there is any effect on <br />the operation of the Health Department. <br />Commissioner Jacobs congratulated Library Director Brenda Stephens as the State <br />Librarian of the Year. The Cedar Grove Library was also honored. <br />Commissioner Jacobs thanked Congressman David Price for his assistance in funding <br />for Orange County. Through his efforts $500,000 was added for additional water and sewer <br />improvements at the Northern Center and the Efland-Mebane corridor in the economic <br />development district serving the middle school, soccer complex, and the community of <br />Buckhorn Road. Also, $150,000 was added to improve equipment at the 911 center. <br />Congressman Price has been very supportive of Orange County. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that last week was the groundbreaking for Orange County <br />middle school #3. There is conversation about how to bring in the power lines without <br />destroying any of the trees. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis suggested that the Board draft a letter to Mike Mills of DOT. <br />The issue with the three-phase power line is for Duke Power to come across a section of the <br />property that is heavily wooded that everyone tried to preserve and protect. There is an <br />alternative way of bringing the power behind the state weigh station, along the DOT right-of- <br />way, onto the property that has already been timbered. This would save the trees. He said that <br />Mike Mills from DOT is currently considering this, and he thinks it would help if the Board would <br />get behind this concept. Maybe the school board could do the same thing. He volunteered to <br />work an this letter with Commissioner Jacobs. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked that Chair Carey write a letter thanking Congressman <br />Price for what he has done far the County. Chair Carey also suggested that they formally invite <br />him to one of their meetings. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he and Commissioner Halkiotis met with DOT last <br />week. The Smith Level Road improvement project is going to be discussed again on January <br />5t" at the DOT offices in Raleigh at 10:00 a.m. in room 117. He said that there is a difference of <br />opinion between DOT and Carrboro as to how the road ought to be configured. The County has <br />supported Carrboro's position. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he and Commissioner Halkiotis met with the North <br />Carolina Forestry Service colleagues, and they will be inviting the Board of County <br />