Orange County NC Website
Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Orange County Board of Commissioners supports the <br />statewide effort to accredit local health departments on a voluntary basis provided that $50,000 <br />per year of ongoing State funding be provided to each health department to support <br />accreditation and continuous quality improvement, and with na additional costs to counties. <br />This 6t" day of December, 2004. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />7. Special Presentations <br />a. Proposed Donation for Orange Soil and Water Conservation District -The <br />Quentin W. Patterson Photographic Art Collection Projects <br />The Board considered authorizing the County Attorney to craft an agreement between <br />Orange County and the Orange Soil and Water Conservation District that would permit the <br />County to administer a donation of $20,000 and a photographic art collection on behalf of the <br />District. <br />District Conservationist with Orange Soil and Water Brent Bogue introduced Don Cox, <br />Secretary and Treasurer for the Orange and Soil and Water Conservation District. <br />Dan Cox said that this is a magnificent opportunity. Quentin Patterson served as the <br />District Conservationist for many years and also on the soil and water board upon his <br />retirement. He was an avid photographer and his wife, Evelyn, was a teacher in Orange County <br />and started environmental education programs. It was her wish that Quentin's photograph <br />collection be made available to the public and for environmental education. He said that they <br />have approximately 54,000 photographic items. They will not be able to digitize all of them and <br />they will be looking for an archival depository eventually once the digital processing has been <br />done. He hopes the County can help them find a place to keep the photographs. The other <br />alternatives are the North Carolina Collection at UNC or the state archives. <br />Commissioner Jacobs thanked Evelyn Patterson and said that if they ever build a <br />Heritage Center, it would be the perfect place to put the photographs. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that this is a wonderful gesture. He met Evelyn Patterson <br />32 years ago and then met her husband Quentin and Orange County is better off because of <br />these two people. He thinks this is a wonderful foundation piece of the Heritage Center. <br />Commissioner Gordan said that they should write Evelyn Patterson a letter expressing <br />appreciation. Don Cox said that she wanted to attend, but she is at a Rehabilitation Center in <br />California hoping to more adequately use her walker and be mare physically active. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked who is going to pursue this archiving. She said that it <br />might make sense to have some early interaction with the County staff. Don Cox said that they <br />will have a large number of the collection digitized and they would like to make them available <br />on a website, and that would take substantial storage capability. <br />Mark Peters came forward said that Paul Jones at UNC runs a website called ibiblio, and <br />it is for storing things just like this. He recommended discussing this with him. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that Tina Moon with ERCD and Planning is a liaison to the <br />Historic Preservation Commission, and would be a good resource. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />authorize the County Attorney to draft an agreement between Orange County and the Orange <br />Soil and Water Conservation District that would permit the County to administer a donation of <br />$20,000 and a photographic art collection on behalf of the District. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />