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2002 Alternative fuels/low emissions vehicles <br />work group report recommendations <br />*Pays difference between costs of gasoline or diesel replacement vehicle and <br />alternative fuel vehicle <br />Craig Benedict said that no decision is needed tonight. This can be revised and brought <br />back to the Board in December. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked some clarifying questions about the routes, which were <br />answered by Karen Lincoln. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the $481,269 and if the entire amount could be spent <br />in Orange County and Karen Lincoln said that some could be spent in four townships in Chatham <br />County and the rest could be spent in Orange County. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that there should be a strategy so that both the MPO and the <br />RPO do not have to give money far it to succeed. She asked if there was anyone to advise on <br />haw to da this. Karen Lincoln said that she has consulted with NCDOT and DENR and she was <br />assured that they could draw from both funds. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that there would be some competition from Chapel Hill in <br />funding their transportation center because they still do not have enough money. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if there would be a strategy for competing funds or if there <br />would be one comprehensive plan. Karen Lincoln said that Hillsborough would support Orange <br />County in this plan, but because they do not have a transit system, they cannot apply for the new <br />service. Another reason that they asked for RPO funds is because OPT is a rural public <br />transportation system and the projects that are chosen become TIP projects. <br />Craig Benedict said that in mast cases the comprehensive method is the best, but <br />because of the timeline, it will be separate. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked how much the County would ask for and Karen Lincoln said <br />that they are still compiling the information. Commissioner Gordon suggested looking back at the <br />STPDA funds and where they have gone. <br />Pat Strong with the RPO thanked Karen Lincoln and Craig Benedict for keeping him <br />informed of the developments. He said that in Chatham County, the Assistant County Manager is <br />handling the effort and he stays in touch with her several times a week. It does not look like there <br />will be a possibility of any coordination. Chatham County's staff is looking at a park and ride lot <br />and hybrid vehicles. He pointed out the third page of the presentation and the last item on the <br />alternative fueled vehicles and said that he spoke with someone from DOT and was informed that <br />only the fuel costs would be covered and not the capital costs. He thinks that the rules of the <br />division of money will probably evolve as this process continues. The DOT will form a CMAQ <br />Review Committee, which will be charged with responsibilities from mid-March to the end of May <br />to review each application submitted and to make decisions on the funds. At this time, Chatham <br />and Orange Counties, the rural portions, will be in competition. <br />Chair Jacobs asked about the park and ride lot and where it is envisioned to be. Craig <br />Benedict said that it could be on the DTCC campus. Part of the special use permit with <br />Hillsborough is to identify a transit hub, and the potential could be DTCC or adjacent properties <br />with aone-acre park. Part of the grant proposal would be to put in sidewalks along the campus to <br />connect with other walking paths that are part of the mixed-use development. <br />Discussion ensued on the location of the park and ride lot. <br />Chair Jacobs asked about the timeline. Karen Lincoln said that the MPO has asked for an <br />application by December 1 ~ because of the subcommittees that would be looking at it before <br />presentation to the committee. They at least need to know what everyone is asking far. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked what the MPO would need to have and Karen Lincoln said <br />that they would like to have the application with a description of the project and a calculation of <br />how the emissions would be reduced. <br />Chair Jacobs said to go ahead and make a proposal to the MPO, but from the RPO <br />perspective, he would like to have more information on December 14t"about the park and ride lot <br />