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funds in the amount of $236,868.34 to reimburse Orange County for the purchase of equipment <br />associated with homeland security activities of the County, its municipalities, and the University; <br />authorize the Manager to sign the Memorandum of Agreement; authorize the Manager to sign <br />the Assurances of Participation; authorize the Manager to identify Rod Visser, Interim Director <br />of Emergency Management, as the Designated Agent under Annex B; and authorize the <br />Manager to identify Eric Griffin, Emergency Management Specialist, as the Point of Contact <br />under Annex B. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />I. Section 8 Housing Program Administrative Plan <br />The Board considered adopting a resolution approving a revision to the Administrative <br />Plan for the Orange County Section 8 Housing Program to include the Project-Based Voucher <br />Program Policy. <br />Commissioner Brown asked far an update on the Club Nova Project. Housing and <br />Community Development Director Tara Fikes said that at the time Club Nova was planned there <br />were eight units at the site. This site was demolished and they relocated eight tenants who <br />were members of Club Nova to other apartments in Carrboro. Three of the members came <br />back to Club Nova. Two other members came to live there, so that gave them five. All of the <br />apartments are filled. <br />A motion was made be Commissioner Brawn, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />adopt and authorize the Chair to sign a resolution approving a revision to the Administrative <br />Plan for the Orange County Section $ Hauling Program to include the Project-Based Voucher <br />Program Policy. <br />RESOLUTION <br />WHEREAS, the Orange County Housing Choice Uoucher Program is administered by the <br />Orange County Housing and Community Development Department; and <br />WHEREAS, HUD requires all housing agencies that administer the Section 8 Housing Voucher <br />Program to adopt a written Administrative Plan that establishes local policies for administration <br />of the program in accordance with HUD requirements; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners approved a Section $ Project Based Voucher <br />Program Policy on December 2002; and <br />WHEREAS, the Policy must be incorporated into the local Administrative Plan; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />approves the amendment of the Administrative Plan to incorporate the Project Based Voucher <br />Program Policy. <br />This, the 16t" day of November 2004 <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />m. Contract far Topographic Survey of Fairview Park <br />The Boad considered awarding a contract to Summit Consulting Engineers for a survey <br />of topography on the 67-acre property owned by Orange County and the Town of Hillsborough <br />for an expansion of Fairview Park, and authorizing the Chair to sign, subject to final review by <br />Staff and the County Attorney. <br />