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Commissioner Gordan said that she wanted the public to know that this item and the <br />Fairview Master Plan Memorandum of Agreement will definitively launch this effort to put <br />Fairview Park in place. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />award a contract to Summit Consulting Engineers for a survey of topography on the 67-acre <br />property owned by Orange County and the Town of Hillsborough for an expansion of Fairview <br />Park, and authorize the Chair to sign, subject to final review by Staff and the County Attorney. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />n. Fairview Master Plan -Memorandum of Agreement <br />The Board considered adopting a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA} between the <br />County and Town of Hillsborough regarding the master planning and design of Fairview Park <br />and associated land and facilities and authorizes the Clerk's Office to recruit Work Group <br />volunteers. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordan, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />adopt a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the County and Town of Hillsborough <br />regarding the master planning and design of Fairview Park and associated land and facilities <br />and authorize the Clerk's Office to recruit Wark Group volunteers. <br />UOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />6. Resolutions or Proclamations <br />a. Resolution of Approval and Acceptance of Grant -Agricultural Conservation <br />Easement with Ira and Hazel Ward <br />The Board considered a resalutian to approve the acceptance by Orange County of an <br />agricultural conservation easement from Ira and Hazel Ward, and acceptance of a $210,750 <br />grant from the federal Farm and Ranch Land Protection Program, and authorize the Chair and <br />Clerk to sign, subject to final review by Staff and the County Attorney, with a closing and <br />recordation of the document expected to occur by December 31, 2004. <br />Land Conservation Manager Rich Shaw summarized the information in the agenda <br />abstract. The Ward Farm is located in the Efland area in Cheeks Township between High Rock <br />Road and Lebanon Road. They raise beef cattle and row crops on a 120-acre farm that they <br />have owned for 45 years. The ridge also separates Back Creek and the Upper Eno <br />Watersheds. He showed the vicinity map. The Ward Farm is divided into four tracts, divided <br />between their four children. The conservation easement will protect 112 of the 120 acres. The <br />cost of the easement purchase is $433,200 ar $3,868 per acre. Approximately $210,750 of this <br />amount will come from a grant to Orange County from the Federal Farm and Ranchland <br />Protection Program. This is the third conservation easement that the County has purchased. <br />The County's share will be financed with alternative financing. <br />Commissioner Carey read the resalutian, which is incorporated by reference. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Brown to <br />approve the acceptance by Orange County of the conservation easement from Ira and Hazel <br />Ward, and the acceptance of the $210,750 grant from the federal Farm and Ranch Land <br />Protection Program, and authorize the Chair and Clerk to sign, subject to final review by Staff <br />and the County Attorney, with a closing and recordation of the document expected to occur by <br />December 31.2004. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Rich Shaw said that at this time there are 473 acres of land in easements since 2000, <br />and with the Ward Farm, it would increase by 112 acres. <br />b. School/County Capital Funding <br />