Orange County NC Website
20t" Day Student Membership <br />Both Districts {'r <br />ZQth Day Student Membership <br />Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools ~'~ <br />ZOt'' Day Student Membership <br />Orange County Schools {'~ <br />School Funding Summary <br />^ Based on average annual increase, cost to fund 355 new students at current per pupil <br />rate of $2623 would be approximately $931,00 <br />^ Each $1 increase in per pupil would cost between $17,762 (based an current student <br />membership) and $18,117 (increase for new students) <br />o For example, the cast to increase the current per pupil by $50 {from $2,623 to <br />$2,673) for the current membership of 17,762 students would cast around <br />$sss,ooa <br />o Average annual increase in per pupil appropriation between 2000-01 and 2004- <br />05 is $73 <br />Short-Term County Funding Initiatives <br />^ Debt service related to 2001 voter approved bands and alternative financing plan <br />^ Increase in requests for public assistance including Medicaid <br />^ Rising fuel and utility costs <br />^ Initiatives in Information TechnologylE-government, Recreation and Parks, and Mental <br />Health Reform <br />New facilities scheduled to open over next two years <br />Employee Retention <br />Rebuild Fund Balance <br />Longer-Term School and County Initiatives Affecting Sustainability <br />Longer Term Schaal Funding Initiatives <br />^ Increasing student membership in both districts <br />^ Funding equity <br />^ Start-up and ongoing cost of three new schools <br />^ Need for additional student capacity and renovation of older facilities <br />Langer Term County Funding Initiatives <br />^ Start-up and ongoing cost of new parks, Senior Centers, Orange County Satellite Campus of <br />DTCC and Justice Facility <br />^ Continued initiatives in Recreation and Parks, Mental Health Reform and Emergency <br />Communications interaperability <br />^ County space needs <br />^ Future bond and alternative financing <br />^ Continue efforts to rebuild fund balance to 12 to 15 percent of annual General Fund <br />expenditures <br />Commissioner Carey made reference to the half-cent sales tax and said that the NCACC is <br />looking at asking the legislature to take over the counties responsible for funding the Medicaid <br />program. <br />