Orange County NC Website
Geof Gledhill said that Robert's Rules of Orders are designed for large bodies. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to page 11 at the top under Special, emergency, <br />and recessed meetings; and she read, "Special and emergency meetings of the Board or its <br />committees may be called by the Chair or three members of the Board and following the notice <br />requirements of the North Carolina Open Meetings Law." She added "notice requirements." <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to having more people on the board and said <br />that she would not suggest having more than 11 or 12. She asked if it is was really important to <br />have the veterinarian from the Orange County Board of Health to serve on this or if there should <br />just be one or two veterinarians. <br />Commissioner Carey said that there are two veterinarians on the advisory committee. <br />Jahn Link said that he thinks there should be a connection with the Board of Health. <br />Presently, the Board of Health veterinarian representative handles the adoption appeals. He <br />suggested having two veterinarians on the board so that one is not bearing the entire burden. <br />Commissioner Brown asked about the standard for the ward "professional". Gwen <br />Harvey said that it would be those that are making their principal occupation with the handling of <br />animals. Commissioner Brown asked if these people would be licensed. Gwen Harvey said <br />that she thinks so. The Health Director was not in attendance and would know more about this. <br />Gwen Harvey said that in the staff discussion, they were more concerned about the <br />conduct of the individual more so than it being their principal occupation. Commissioner Brown <br />said that this does not hold anyone to a standard. Gwen Harvey said that they would look at <br />this again. <br />John Link said that Commissioner Brown has a good point and that if there are <br />credentials ar certifications, then they need to pay attention to these. <br />Commissioner Brown said that it might be very tricky because she does not know what <br />kind of credentials a professional trainer should have. It would be good to know who certifies <br />dog trainers. <br />Commissioner Carey suggested approving this plan in principle tonight and then having <br />it brought back for the consent agenda, including the definition for "professional". <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to page 12, rule 4, where the sentence has been changed <br />and now it does not make sense. This should be fixed to read correctly. <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to the composition of the advisory board and said that he <br />would like to have seats on it for representatives from Piedmont Wildlife so that there can be <br />some coordination. For the composition of the advisory group, he suggested having at least <br />one at-large member be from the unincorporated areas of the County, two veterinary <br />representatives, and one representative from each of the animal welfare groups in the County. <br />This would make 12 members. <br />Commissioner Gordan said that it might be better to describe these animal welfare <br />groups generically. <br />Chair Jacobs listed the members of the advisory board, as follows: <br />3 at-large {at least one from unincorporated areas} <br />2 veterinarians (one who serves an the Board of Health) <br />3 from the Towns <br />3 from animal welfare organizations <br />1 professional animal trainer <br />PUBLIC COMMENT: <br />Elliot Cramer's statement is as follows: <br />"Having strongly advocated your takeover of the County shelter, I am embarrassed to be <br />appearing before you today to tell you that you have a disaster in process. I have publicly <br />