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Commissioner Gordon asked about the two-acre easement. Dave Stancil said that one <br />of the last issues to resolve was an easement that runs along the northern boundary of the <br />property. It has been determined that either this property will be excluded from the purchase, or <br />it will be included at no cost. It appears that it will be included and it will be a 69-acre purchase. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordan, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />approve the purchase of approximately 67 acres of land located on Millhouse Road from Julia <br />Blackwood; authorize the Chair to sign the contract on behalf of the County, subject to final <br />review by staff and County Attorney; and instruct the County Attorney and staff from ERCD and <br />Finance to schedule and complete closing on the property, which is expected to occur on or <br />before December 31, 2004. <br />Commissioner Brown asked about a map for the continuation of the natural trail <br />systems. Dave Stancil said that one of the components of this property was to tie together the <br />town's and the county's open spaces. <br />Commissioner Brown said that years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Blackwood made sure that this <br />land was not made a part of the landfill. She thanked Mr. Tom Hefner for bringing this property <br />to the County's attention last year. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Actions Steps in the Creation of an Animal Services Department <br />The Board considered authorizing action steps to create the proposed Animal Services <br />Department by early 2005. <br />Jahn Link said that at a meeting on October 5`" the Board considered the staff report and <br />recommendations about the creation of the proposed Animal Services Department ar Bureau. <br />At that meeting, there were comments made as to revisions to the rules of procedure of <br />governing the advisory board as part of the creation of this new department. He said that <br />Attachment 3 (of the abstract) is in response to these comments. Also, attachment 5 provides <br />an updated transition timeline to have the department operating by the end of March or first of <br />April. <br />Gwen Harvey said that any amendments necessary to animal related ordinances would <br />be under review by the County Attorney and would return to the Board in February. Regarding <br />the advisory board, she received comments from Commissioners Brawn and Gordon. These <br />are summarized in attachment 3, which represents the second draft of the organization and <br />operation of the advisory board. The organization chart is attachment 4. Another matter for <br />discussion is the future of the Animal Shelters Operations Task Force. The understanding from <br />the discussion last month is that there would be mare meetings of the task force to look mare in <br />depth at the transitional operations procedure manual for the Orange County Animal Shelter. <br />Commissioner Carey can continue to lead the meetings of the task farce. She said that the <br />Board might also want to discuss any other considerations or concerns about the continuing <br />role of the task force. <br />Commissioner Carey commended the staff for the transition plan and said that the <br />revised documents reflect what he heard. He said that this is a new venture for Orange County <br />and will continue to undergo revisions. He said that they might have to give the veterinarian <br />representative on the Board of Health advance notice because the organization of the task force <br />lists this person as a member. There would be 20 meetings per year, and this has never been <br />an expectation of the veterinarian representative in the past. This is a new expectation. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she wants the task force membership increased to three <br />at-large appointments. She thinks it would gain a lot of credibility if these positions were added. <br />She made reference to page 12 at the top under Presiding Officer, and that this person would <br />have the power to rule motions in or out of order. She asked if this was covered under Robert's <br />Rules of Order. Gwen Harvey said that they would make this adjustment. <br />