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Commissioner Gordon read the proclamation. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />approve the proclamation as stated below, designating November 1-7, 2004 as "Grief <br />Awareness Week" in Orange County and authorize the Chair to sign. <br />PROCLAMATION <br />GRIEF AWARENESS WEEK <br />November 1-7, 2004 <br />WHEREAS, there are approximately 2 million human deaths in the United States each year that <br />directly affect 10-12 family members (excluding goad friends and close colleagues), thus having <br />an impact an approximately 20 million people; and <br />WHEREAS, in North Carolina, there are approximately 72,000 human deaths each year; and <br />WHEREAS, natural disasters like Hurricane Ivan, tragic deaths like 9/11, suicides and other <br />deaths touch countless lives and continue to have an impact long after the initial event; and <br />WHEREAS, grieving is a natural and normal response to death and other losses and is a <br />healthy way for people to take care of themselves; and <br />WHEREAS, cultural traditions and religious institutions have historically recognized the need for <br />community mourning rituals and individual grief expressions; and <br />WHEREAS, all Orange County citizens are urged to be sensitive and supportive of their <br />families, neighbors, friends, and colleagues who are adjusting to a significant loss in their lives; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, a week set aside for grief awareness will enhance solidarity with our mortality and <br />our common need far mourning and healing and will promote spiritual, mental, physical, and <br />emotional health; and <br />WHEREAS, we urge all Orange County citizens during this week to remember and support <br />those who have experienced a significant loss in their lives; and <br />WHEREAS, we urge all Orange County citizens during this week to participate in community <br />activities and educational events to increase their own knowledge of the grief process so that <br />neighborhoods, faith communities, and workplaces can create a more healing environment for <br />those in grief; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, do we, the Orange County Board of Commissioners, hereby proclaim <br />November 1 through 7, 2004 as GRIEF AWARENESS WEEK in Orange County, in recognition <br />of every person's need to grieve in the face of death and loss. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />c. Certificate of Achievement far Excellence in Financial Repartinq <br />