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Commissioner Gordan made reference to the charge page and said that the committee <br />should come up with a recommendation about facilities that can be constructed utilizing the <br />$850,000 in funds allocated to the project. She suggested adding language in charge #2, "The <br />report should include a recommendation describing which facilities are to be constructed <br />utilizing the $850,000 in funds allocated far the project." <br />Geof Gledhill said that $200,000 was designated for planning and design. <br />Commissioner Gordon said to use $650,000 or whatever the right number is. <br />Dave Stancil said that they do not think it will cost $200,000 for planning and design. <br />The Board agreed to put "funds remaining" in the sentence added by Commissioner <br />Gordon, so that it would read: The report should include recommendations describing which <br />facilities are to be constructed utilizing the funds remaining from the $850,000 in funds allocated <br />for the project after the planning and design work (estimated to cost $200,000} is completed. <br />Commissioner Brown asked about the report the County invested in about the Field of <br />Dreams and Chair Jacobs said that was part of it. <br />County Engineer Paul Thames said that the Field of Dreams was in place by the time <br />the investigation was done. There was a specific evaluation of this area. <br />Dave Stancil said that at this time the Town of Hillsborough would be considering the <br />memorandum of agreement on November Stn <br />Geof Gledhill recommended that the Board transmit this memorandum of agreement to <br />the Town of Hillsborough with the changes made tonight. <br />PUBLIC COMMENT: <br />Frances Jones asked if any members of the community had been asked to be on this <br />committee and Chair Jacobs answered that there would be a place for six members of the <br />community. This is part of the agreement. Frances Jones said that she is glad to see that this <br />is going forward because it has been a long time coming. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Brown to <br />approve changes to the Fairview Master Plan Memorandum of Agreement as recommended by <br />staff and the Board and to forward it to the Town of Hillsborough far consideration. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />d. Legal Advertisement for November 22, 2004 BOCC Public Hearing <br />The Board considered authorization to submit Public Hearing Legal Advertisement for <br />publication as related to amendments to the Orange County Noise Ordinance. <br />Planning Director Craig Benedict summarized the information in the agenda abstract. <br />The topic of the public hearing is primarily the noise ordinance. The ordinance was originally <br />adopted in 1983. The staff will provide some options for making the ordinance more <br />understandable and enforceable. <br />Commissioner Brown said that there should be a limited amount of time to make noise, <br />and cited the practice of her neighbors who play loud music all day. <br />Chair Jacobs asked Craig Benedict to attach some good noise ordinances from other <br />counties that he may come across. He said that the mast simplistic ordinance would be the <br />most useful. <br />Craig Benedict answered several clarifying questions of the County Commissioners. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />approve the Public Hearing Legal Advertisement for publication as related to amendments to <br />the Orange County Noise Ordinance. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />