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Commissioner Brown asked why this was not done with high school #3 for CHCCS. John <br />Link said that the school board made the proposal at that time, and staff did not recommend it. <br />He would not recommend this for high school #3 because it is too convoluted. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she thought this would come up, so she looked back at the <br />minutes for 1997. This issue was discussed at the June 30, 1997 meeting and Commissioner <br />Gordon distributed a handout that contained excerpts from the minutes {this handout is hereby <br />made a part of these minutes by reference). She said that it turns out that she and <br />Commissioner Carey thought that the County should fully fund the high school and then fund <br />the elementary school later, when it was needed, instead of including it on the bond <br />referendum. The other three Commissioners (Crowther, Halkiotis, and Brown} thought that both <br />of the schools should be included an the bond referendum. The Orange County Schools had <br />made a special request that both the high school and elementary school be put on the bond <br />referendum, and that the Orange County Schools would use their pay-as-you-go funds to pay <br />the debt service for the high school funding that was not included on the bond referendum. The <br />Board decided by a 3-2 vote to put both schools on the bond referendum. <br />Chair Jacobs asked if there were any school board members left from that time and it was <br />answered that there are only two left. He said that it would be useful to the school board for the <br />County staff to put together these final numbers so that this will be available to other school <br />board members. <br />Gontinuation of presentation. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that in 1997, the bond referendum with County projects, <br />including senior centers, failed. She asked some clarifying questions, which were answered by <br />staff. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the park operations base and County storage facility <br />and what is the $675,000 going to be used for. Purchasing and Central Services Director Pam <br />Jones said that it will complete the park operations base and it will provide storage for things <br />such as voting machines and EMS equipment. It will be a metal building with 4,000 square feet <br />for the park operations base and an additional 3,000 square feet for storage. These are the <br />initial figures. The estimate is about $50-75 per square foot. The building will be designed so <br />that there can be additions, if needed. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the two stabilization projects and why it costs so much <br />for the little house and Cates Farm House. Donna Dean said that these estimates came from <br />Dave Stancil. Commissioner Halkiotis said that the Cates house did not have a substantial <br />foundation when it was built, and it will cost a lot of money to bring it up to code. <br />John Link made reference to attachment 8 and said that all of the projects that are not <br />colored in yellow are still subject to the Board's final discussion and approval. <br />End of slide presentation <br />Commissioner Carey said that the affordable housing groups are maxed out in terms of <br />what they can construct in the next few years, but the policy was changed to allow for land <br />banking. He asked if this schedule allows them some flexibility to respond to opportunities far <br />land banking and Donna Dean said that she would check with Housing and Community <br />Development Director Tara Fikes. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the Board set a limit on how much money could go into land <br />banking. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to a discussion a while back about doing projections <br />of the amount of money the County has lost over the years from various sources. She would <br />like to see this out five years to see if the trends continue. Jahn Link said that this is part of <br />stage 2 in the November work session. <br />Discussion ensued on start-up casts. <br />