Orange County NC Website
Commissioner Gordon said that the Manager put on the table the idea of taking $12.8 <br />million that was originally approved in the bond referendum for elementary school #10 in <br />CHCCS. She has great reservations about this approach, especially because there was no <br />mention of putting the elementary school back into the schedule for alternative financing after it <br />was removed. The voters voted far this school. <br />Chair Jacobs said that this money has already been moved. Commissioner Gordon said <br />that CHCCS now had funding for elementary school #10 in the alternative financing schedule. <br />She thinks the County should look at other equally extreme measures in other places in the <br />budget. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the SAPFO commits the County to provide the money to build the <br />school when it is needed. <br />Commissioner Carey said that the Manager mentioned this school as an example of the <br />way to be creative. There may be other opportunities. <br />Chair Jacobs said that this is the kind of alarmism that unnecessarily upsets people. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she is alarmed, and that is why she stated it. <br />Chair Jacobs said that if it had been the Orange County Schools, he does not think <br />Commissioner Gordon would have been bothered as much. Commissioner Gordan objected <br />and said that she has been a strong advocate of both school systems. She said that she has <br />voted for increased funding far both school systems. She asked for an apology from Chair <br />Jacobs. <br />Cammissioner Halkiotis said that all of these buildings belong to the people of Orange <br />County. This has been the driving force for him all of these years, but it is not shared by both <br />school systems and the people that work in the buildings. This does not necessarily apply to <br />the school board members. It is especially true of coaches because they do not want people in <br />their gyms or on their fields. He thinks the gyms and fields belong to the people, which brings <br />up the issue of co-location. <br />Cammissioner Halkiotis said that he liked what the Manager said about borrowing the <br />money temporarily from one place to take care of an immediate need somewhere else, and then <br />putting the money back. <br />Commissioner Carey made reference to page 7 and the future needs, and said that it might <br />be time to start thinking about a bond committee sometime early next year. <br />Discussion ensued on the timing of a future bond. <br />John Link made reference to Commissioner Brown's comment about financial constraints <br />of the County and said that six or seven years ago the County adopted the debt policy. Since <br />that time, many more counties and municipalities have adopted a similar policy. The Local <br />Government Commission now has, as a guideline, that the local government must have a <br />ceiling of 15°l0 of their budget far debt. He thinks the Board should be proud of blazing this trail. <br />He said that this should be pointed out to the citizens as part of the education process. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he would confer with the Manager about how to proceed. <br />4. Orange County Percent for Art Program <br />Martha Shannon made reference to the handout. She said that the proposal is that the <br />Board adopts a percent for art program for Orange County. This program is modeled after the <br />ordinance in effect in Chapel Hill. If Orange County wants to adopt this then it will be the <br />second county in North Carolina to adopt this. Mecklenburg County also has the ordinance. <br />She explained how the program works in Chapel Hill. Chapel Hill has 1 °~ for arts, which is a <br />common amount. She said that this is the mast permanent way to ensure that art is included for <br />the public forever. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he is supportive of this in principle. He said that he finds <br />it hard to believe that Chapel Hill is going to spend $420,000 on art initiatives at a public works <br />garage (he was looking at the sheet}. Martha Shannon said that Chapel Hill is able to pool their <br />