Orange County NC Website
3) to report back to the Board the progress that is made an the development of this <br />proposal for the Board's consideration by the second meeting in December; <br />and <br />4} to investigate the potential to develop affordable housing, according to Orange <br />County's definition of affordable housing, on available acreage that would be <br />part of any purchase of the Spartsplex. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />1 b. Facilities Needs Reorientation <br />Purchasing and Central Services Director Pam Jones said that the space needs report <br />was issued in March 2001, but it was never adopted. The departmental space needs are still <br />what they were in 2001 and even worse. The goal of this item is to provide the Board a <br />snapshot of the items in the space study, to identify any changes, and to ask the Board to assist <br />in listing projects. She gave a PawerPoint presentation as shown below. <br />