S Declaration of Restrictions on Landfill Property
Board of County Commissioners
Various Documents
2000 - 2009
S Declaration of Restrictions on Landfill Property
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Last modified
10/30/2012 4:52:59 PM
Creation date
6/20/2012 12:49:21 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 06-05-2001-8w
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2000's\2001\Agenda - 06-05-2001
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minutes East 1029.13 feet to a stake; thence South 05 degrees 17 minutes 40 seconds <br />West 2396.23 feet to the center line of State Road 1727; thence along and with the center <br />line of State Road 1727 South 81 degrees 26 minutes 40 seconds West, 1035.31 feet; <br />thence continuing along and with the center line of State Road 1727 South 74 degrees 45 <br />minutes 40 seconds West 133.53 feet to the place of BEGINNING; the same being Parcel <br /># 1 of the property of Annie M. Pegram Estate, N. C. National Bank, Executor, as <br />surveyed by George C. Love, Jr., Registered Land Surveyor, 6 -1 -67, Recorded in Plat <br />Book 15, Page 199, Orange County Registry, containing 63.265 acres. <br />Tract Two <br />BEGINNING at a point in the center line of State Road 1727, and running thence <br />North 5 degrees 17 minutes 40 seconds East 2396.23 feet to a stake; thence along Eugene <br />M. Blackwood's line South 81 degrees 40 minutes East 1146.42 feet to an iron pipe by a <br />large Triple Maple; thence South 05 degrees 07 minutes 10 seconds West, 2145.54 feet to <br />the center line of State Road 1727; thence along and with said center line of State Road <br />1727 South, 89 degrees 37 minutes 10 seconds West 636.83 feet; thence continuing along <br />and with the center line of State Road 1727 South 81 degrees 26 minutes 40 seconds <br />West 532.00 feet to the point and place of BEGINNING; and being Parcel # 2 of the <br />property of Annie M. Pegram Estate, N.C. National Bank, Executor, as surveyed by <br />George C. Love, Jr., Registered Land Surveyor, 6 -1 -67, Recorded in Plat Book 15, Page <br />199, Orange County Registry, containing 59.294 acres. <br />Tract Three <br />BEGINNING at a point in the center line of State Road 1727 and running thence <br />South 05 degrees 07 minutes 10 seconds West 719.81 feet to a stake; thence South 05 <br />degrees 01 minute West 200 feet to a monument labeled control corner (Dukle Power <br />Company); thence South 05 degrees 01 minute 30 seconds West, 825.38 feet to a stake <br />(by a 30 inch White Oak marked tree); thence North 82 degrees 54 minutes 20 seconds <br />West 1168.97 feet to a stake; thence North 05 degrees 42 minutes 50 seconds East <br />1518.24 feet to the center line of State Road 1727; thence along and with the center line <br />of State Road 1727 North 81 degrees 26 _minutes 40 seconds East 532.00 feet; thence <br />continuing along State Road 1727 North 89 degrees 37 minutes 10 seconds East 636.83 <br />feet; to the point and place of BEGINNING; and being Parcel # 3 of the Annie M. <br />Pegram Estate, N.C. National Bank, Executor, as surveyed by George C. Love, Jr., <br />Registered Land Surveyor, 6 -1 -67, Recorded in Plat Book 15, Page 199, Orange County <br />Registry, containing 43.963 acres. <br />Tract Four <br />BEGINNING at a point in the center line of State Road 1727 and running thence <br />South 05 degrees 42 minutes 50 seconds West, 1518.24 feet to a stake; thence North 82 <br />degrees 54 minutes 20 seconds West 400 feet to a stake; thence North 79 degrees 45 <br />minutes 20 seconds West 280.76 feet to a stake; thence North 81 degrees 25 minutes 40 <br />seconds West 489.59 feet to a stake; thence North 07 degrees 40 minutes 20 seconds East <br />1161.92 feet to the center line of State Road 1727; thence along and with the center line <br />of State Road 1727 North 74 degrees 45 minutes 40 seconds East 133.53 feet; thence <br />
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