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General Fund <br /> The BOCC also stated at the work session that the future agreement must include provisions <br /> that there is no financial exposure to Orange County that would cause general fund dollars to <br /> be expended in the future for LRT, whether it was capital or operating. The sensitivity to the <br /> potential of cost overruns and the limitations in sales tax revenue growth as compared to <br /> Durham County was cited as an important consideration. <br /> Re-examination of Apreement� Updates and Thresholds ' <br /> The agreement should also include provisions to re-examine the Orange County/Durham <br /> County cost sharing agreement if revenues or costs vary as yet to be determined percentage <br /> (5% for discussion purposes). <br /> Maintenance of Proposed Bus Service Hours <br /> Proposed bus service hours should also be maintained irrespective of the costs allocated to <br /> LRT with consideration for the reinvestment of rail dividend hours (i.e. when rail routes replace <br /> existing bus service, how do you convert to additional bus hours or projects). <br /> Small Capital <br /> In addition, the cost sharing proposal should also not affect Orange County's intent to allocate <br /> monies to the Hillsborough passenger train station (i.e. Amtrak) at this time. <br /> Action <br /> This agenda item, if approved, would allow the Board Chair and the assigned contingent to <br /> forward to Durham County, the joint county's cost share proposal and allow their full county <br /> board to discuss and confirm before institutionalizing the agreement. In addition, Orange <br /> County representatives could further `negotiate' within the parameters of this tentative proposal. <br /> This item and agreement would return for formal BOCC approval at a later date. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked for clarification on the Manager's Recommendation. <br /> Craig Benedict said that there will be a public outreach meeting on April 3�d and some <br /> of these issues will be discussed then. <br /> Frank Clifton said that the Board of County Commissioners met with Durham County <br /> officials and they discussed different models and alternatives and tonight the County <br /> Commissioners should provide other input or direction for the Chair to take to Durham County <br /> about a cost-sharing agreement. He said that Durham County is ready to move forward but <br /> they do not know what Orange County wants to do. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about the justification for the amount of$316.2 million. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that the amount on page 1 of the abstract is what the majority of <br /> the Board agreed to in concept at the March 15th work session. Page 2 highlights the other <br /> points made during the work session that were not discussed with Durham County and would <br /> have to be incorporated. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that the only two public sessions have not taken place yet <br /> and she would caution the Board about going too far in the process. <br />