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existing tower has two co-locations on it and he does not think that there is room for any more <br /> co-locations. There is a need for a tower site in that area. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs expressed concern about two towers so close together and <br /> asked that this site be held in reserve until there is more information about what is on the site <br /> now. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that when the County Commissioners approved the former <br /> telecommunications plan, there was an idea that they were going to fill in gaps. She made <br /> reference to Attachment 3 and said that the overlap that Commissioner Jacobs mentioned is <br /> not the only one. She said that there are a lot of overlap of towers and she does not <br /> understand why they need more towers in those areas. <br /> Glen Bowles said that there is overlap but the corridor on the interstate is a very popular <br /> corridor according to carriers. He said that staff can tell the Board where there is co-location <br /> but they do not have the expertise or resources to determine whether towers are needed. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she thought the reason for more towers was that there <br /> were gaps. She does not see the hard data for placing towers where there are overlaps in i <br /> coverage. <br /> Frank Clifton said that they can pull the Blackwood site and put it in reserve. He said <br /> that more towers exist because there is a height limit, which limits the number of antennas. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that the County Commissioners could approve sites but <br /> express a strong preference for investigating the opportunities for co-location on existing towers <br /> that closely approximate the approved sites. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she would like to hold in reserve both County sites— P- <br /> 9 and P-10. <br /> Frank Clifton said that if people wanted to get on these sites, the Board of County <br /> Commissioners would have to apprave. <br /> NO PUBLIC COMMENT. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> close the close public hearing. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> approve the Plan modification as detailed within Attachment 2, except to hold sites P-9 and P- <br /> 10 in reserve. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that he does not know what holding in reserve means. <br /> Frank Clifton said that these two sites would not move forward without Board approval. <br /> Commissioner Gordon restated the motion: To approve fhe P/an modification as <br /> detailed within Aftachment 2, with the stipulation that two sites that are County property—P-9 <br /> and P-10—be held in reserve, which means that they have to come to the Board of County <br /> Commissioners for approval before they can be offered for a construction of a tower. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs seconded this restatement. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 7. Reqular Aqenda <br /> a. OPC Local Manaqement Entitv (LME)—Transition Manaaement and Retiree <br /> Health Insurance Continuation <br />