Minutes - 20041007
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20041007
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Cammissianer Gordan said that she does not agree that there should necessarily <br />be five, six, or seven principles. There might need to be more. She would be <br />willing to categorize the goals, but not narrow them down to five or six tonight . <br />She recalled that the CPLUC goal statements had quite a few points under each <br />goal . <br />Chair Jacobs said that a starting point for discussion would be the CPLUC goals <br />with an explanation of haw they were derived. If staff thinks it can be narrowed <br />dawn to five or six guiding principles, then the Board can discuss this. <br />Cammissianer Brown said that sustainability should be listed because it keeps <br />coming up. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked Craig Benedict to came up with one list of goals <br />with the definitions. She would like to leave open how the goals are consolidated <br />into principles. <br />Chair Jacobs agreed and said that the principles could be called sustainable land <br />use guiding principles or something of that nature. <br />Commissioner Brawn made reference to the four map options and said that she <br />felt constricted by them. Craig Benedict noted that all the options included rural <br />activity Hades. <br />Craig Benedict gave a detailed explanation of rural activity nodes. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the rural activity nodes have never been discussed, since <br />he has been on the Planning Board or the Board of County Commissioners. This <br />would be a good issue to discuss. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the rural activity nodes have been defined and <br />they are supposed to be places where there are rural scale enterprises. It was a <br />long process to decide their locations on the existing land use plan. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the blue areas on the growth <br />management system map, which are transition areas or urbanizing areas. She <br />thinks the urbanizing areas should be left there and not deleted. <br />Craig Benedict said that the designation of the transition areas would be left on <br />the maps. Where there is a zoning overlay on the maps, the areas have been <br />designated as urbanizing areas sa they do not get lost. <br />Commissioner Brown would still like to see more options. She would like to see <br />what was said in the Upper Neuse Watershed Management Plan. Craig <br />Benedict said that there is an executive summary an page 26 of the package. <br />
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