Orange County NC Website
DRAFT Date Prepared: 06/11/12 <br /> Date Revised: 06/13/12 <br /> BOCC Meeting Follow-up Actions <br /> (Individuals with a*by their name are the lead facilitators for the group of individuals responsible for an item) <br /> Meeting Task Target Person(s) Status <br /> Date Date Responsible <br /> 6/5/12 Review and consider request that Board consider instructing 6/19/2012 Chair/Vice DONE <br /> staff to stop working on the Mountains to Sea Trail(MST) Chair/Manager Request reviewed; DEAPR staff <br /> effort involving OWASA land and consider a discussion in to present Report in August on <br /> September/October 2012 on the Trail in Orange County MST, OWASA land and related <br /> issues <br /> 6/5/12 Review and consider proposal by Commissioner 6/19/2012 Chair/Uice DONE <br /> Hemminger on potential appointments to the Workforce Chair/Manager Appointment on 6/19/12 Board <br /> Development Board prior to the summer break Agenda <br /> 6/5/12 Investigate the possible creation of a low interest loan 10/16/2012 *Kevin Lindley, Possible creation of a low <br /> program to assist property owners who are connecting to Craig Benedict, interest loan program to assist <br /> Orange County's wastewater collection system and provide Tara Fikes and property owners to be - <br /> report back to the Board Clarence Grier investigated and shared with <br /> Board <br /> 6/5/12 Take appropriate steps to bring back a modification to the 12/3/2012 *Michael Harvey Steps to occur to bring back <br /> REDA district to incorporate a prohibition of asphalt plants Craig Benedict REDA modification <br /> 6/5/12 Contact Durham and Highway 57 quarry owners to open 8/1/2012 Chair Contacts to be made to pursue <br /> discussions on the plans for the portion of the quarry in Frank.Clifton discussions <br /> Orange County after quarry operations end <br /> 6/5/12 Bring Transit Implementation Agreement back to the 8/21/2012 John Roberts, Agreement to be brought back at <br /> Board's August 21, 2012 after having worked with partners Craig Benedict August 21, 2012 regular meeting <br /> and incorporating revisions into a final draft document & Frank Clifton <br /> 6/5/12 Pursue opportunities to keep the donkey sculpture at the 7/1/2012- *John Roberts DONE <br /> Eno River Parking'Deck, including insurance coverage, if Pam Jones a <br /> the County purchases the Deck <br /> 6/5/12 Incorporate Commissioner Gordon's statement on the 7/1/2012 Donna Baker DONE ° <br /> Parking Deck into the public record/minutes' <br /> CD <br /> 3 <br />