Orange County NC Website
i <br /> A more recent cooperative arrangement allowed Orange County to begin utilizing three new <br /> regolith wells installed in 2011 for the collection of groundwater level data from the shallow aq- <br /> uifer. Data collection began from three regolith wells in southern Orange County in June 2011. <br /> Table 1 lists the well construction details for all of the wells included in Orange Well Net. Figure <br /> 1 illustrates the locations of the wells. Figure 2 illustrates the locations of the wells in relation to <br /> the generalized bedrock geology of Orange County. This map is based on the recent work of <br /> the North Carolina Geological Survey, which updated the knowledge of bedrock geology in the <br /> county. <br /> Staff downloads groundwater level data periodically from each of the observation wells in <br /> Orange Well Net. The collected data is formatted and then uploaded to the North Carolina <br /> Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Division of Water Resources <br /> (DWR) groundwater level database web site: <br /> and Modeling/Ground Water Data bases/ p? <br /> tl=1&net=orange&inactive= <br /> This web site is available to the general public and includes significant information regarding <br /> groundwater level conditions across North Carolina, including the information collected from <br /> Orange Well Net. <br /> Unfortunately, the use of the Rocky Ridge bedrock well was terminated in April 2012. All equip- <br /> ment was removed from this well and no further data will be collected from this location. <br /> I <br /> Regolith groundwater <br /> observation well installed in 2011 <br /> in southern Orange County. <br /> 2 <br />