Agenda - 06-19-2012-13 (3)
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-19-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 06-19-2012-13 (3)
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Last modified
1/14/2016 9:20:04 AM
Creation date
6/15/2012 12:52:51 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
Information Item 3
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Minutes 06-19-2012
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2012
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Similarly, the well located at the Eno Confluence Property is located in proximity to both the <br /> West and the East Forks of the Eno River. The hydrograph for this well, included above, ap- <br /> pears to reflect a considerable amount of"flashiness" (rapid fluctuations, either up or down, in a <br /> short period of time) in the groundwater level. This is likely to be a result of fairly rapid increas- <br /> es and decreases in the flow of the Eno River as a result of precipitation in the upper Eno River <br /> watershed, indicating that the groundwater level in this area is fairly rapidly influenced by the <br /> water level in the Eno River. <br /> Recommendations <br /> • Groundwater level information should continue to be collected from the regolith and bedrock <br /> observation wells in the Orange Well Net. Currently, routine data collection from the five <br /> bedrock and three regolith wells is occurring and little, if any, further expense is needed at <br /> this time to continue this process. Additional data will significantly increase the quantity of <br /> available information for each of the observation wells, thereby also increasing the quality <br /> and usefulness of the hydrographs for each of the wells. <br /> • If opportunities arise to add additional bedrock or regolith observation wells to Orange Well <br /> Net, evaluation and consideration of each well should take place. The original design of the <br /> observation well network included bedrock and regolith observation wells in each of the nine <br /> general bedrock lithologies in Orange County. The cost to incorporate additional existing <br /> wells into the well network would be relatively minor. <br /> • Given the recent loss of the Rocky Ridge bedrock well, in addition to the questionable value <br /> of the groundwater level information collected from the Ray Road and Confluence Property <br /> bedrock wells, concerted effort should be made to incorporate additional suitable bedrock <br /> observation wells into the well network. <br /> • The use of a co-located bedrock and regolith well pair would be a valuable addition to OWN. <br /> A pair of wells in the same location would provide detailed information concerning ground- <br /> water recharge and groundwater level response to precipitation events. <br /> • Continue to upload groundwater level information to the DWR web site. This will allow the <br /> public to have access to the groundwater level information collected in Orange County at no <br /> cost to either the County or to members of the public. <br /> • Pursue statistical analyses of collected groundwater level information as additional ground- <br /> water level data is collected and available. <br /> • Continue to publicize Orange Well Net where appropriate. As more groundwater level infor- <br /> mation is collected, further use of the Orange Well Net data available on the DWR web site <br /> should be encouraged. <br /> 9 <br />
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