Orange County NC Website
Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2030 - Timetable of Activities <br /> June 2011 Approval of Project,Funds NA <br /> August 2011 Project Scope Discussion P&R Master Plan Team(Team) <br /> September 2011 RFP Prepared, Refined Team,Stancil <br /> November 2011 RFP Solicited Financial Services(FS) <br /> December 2011 Proposals Received(0) FS <br /> January/February 2012 Review Status,Status memo to BOCC,Re-engage and plan for action Team <br /> March May Hire Research Consultant(s),complete timeline Team/Stancil <br /> June-August Community Needs Assessment survey instrument created, refined and Consultant, Team, Parks and <br /> completed, sampling techniques finalized. Companion "Youth Survey" Rec Council (PRC), Staff <br /> prepared and administered. Background sections of plan drafted, Resources Group (SRG) <br /> annotated Table of Contents completed. Informational item update to <br /> BOCC June 19. <br /> July-September Survey prepared, random sample identified and ready for dissemination. Team, Consultant, SRG <br /> Youth Survey' results evaluated, report created. Demographic, <br /> socioeconomic and service area (transportation) data collected, and other <br /> Master Plan sections drafted. <br /> September Survey distributed to random sample (4,100 households). Follow-up Consultant, Team, PRC <br /> postcards. Municipal & School Coordination sections drafted. <br /> October Public Input Session#1 held. Status Report to BOCC. Survey results to Consultant, Team, PRC, SRG <br /> consultant by end of month, analysis of survey data. <br /> November-Dec Survey results/analysis received. Draft Plan. Meet with Mgmt Consultant, Team, PRC, SRG <br /> January 2013 Consultant report on survey findings/recommendations. Public Input Consultant, Team, PRC, SRG <br /> Session#2 on results of CNA and Draft Sections of Plan. Complete <br /> remaining data collection, and receive final reports on standards, <br /> tourism/parks and economic impacts from consultant. <br /> February 2013 Full Draft Plan, BOCC update. Present draft at Input Session#3. Team, PRC, SRG <br /> March 2013 Revisions to Draft Plan as needed. Status Report to BOCC. Team, PRC <br /> April-May 2013 Review BOCC and public comments, create Plan Final Draft. Public Team, PRC <br /> Hearing. Advisory Board review (PRC recommendation) <br /> June 2013 BOCC Considers for Approval. Team, PRC <br /> July-August If needed.PRO Final Review and refinement(if remanded).Return for action by BOCC for BOCC(PRC) <br /> formal adoption of Parks and Recreation Master Plan(if needed) <br /> The Youth Survey will be administered through surveys and focus groups during summer camps and programs,and also administered via the schools in September. <br />