Orange County NC Website
A total of 633 Absentee By-Mail ballots were counted resulting in a total of 17,212 <br /> ballots cast prior to Election Day. 0.16%of the 105,111 registered voters or 0.37%of the <br /> total ballots cast(46,079) were cast prior to Election Day. We processed 1,540 new voter <br /> registrations that registered and voted during the one-stop voting period and 1,190 change <br /> of addresses. We trained and staffed a total of 37 people to work the five voting sites. <br /> • Election Day— <br /> Election Day voting was steady at all precincts with 28,728 ballots cast. All precincts <br /> were open at 6:30 a.m. as required. We had a total of 200 precinct officials working in <br /> 44 precincts. We had four precincts that had problems with their M100 voting tabulator <br /> at some point during the day. The precinct officials were instructed to open the <br /> "Emergency Bin"for voters to deposit their ballot in so that voting was not interrupted. <br /> Backup M100 tabulators were immediately sent to these precincts to replace the ones that <br /> were having issues. The issues we were seeing were that the M100 was not excepting <br /> ballots in all orientations as programmed. It would read the ballot face up but would not <br /> read the ballot face down or vice versa. <br /> Precinct officials reported few voter problems. A total of 288 Provisional Ballots were <br /> cast by voters who we could find no registration for and/or voters voting out of their <br /> precinct. Precinct officials reported that few voters questioned the new districts that they <br /> were in. We had at each precinct new district maps to provide to the voters. Most <br /> questioned the number of ballots each precinct had and the scanning device used to scan <br /> the barcode on the ballot and the barcode on the voter's"authorization to vote"form to <br /> ensure the correct assigned ballot was given to the voter. We had a total of 24 ballot <br /> styles due to the Congressional, House, School Board Districts and the "17 year old <br /> ballots"for the party primaries. All precincts had a total of 7 ballots styles except for <br /> Patterson Precinct which had a total of 13 ballot styles. We did receive a great deal of <br /> calls of which a majority was from voters asking where their polling place was. <br /> Election Night results were electronically transmitted successfully. We were proud to <br /> report 100%of our precinct results by 8:15 p.m. Staff remained at office until 10:30 <br /> p.m. to unload and audit precinct supplies as they were brought in. <br /> • Post-Election— <br /> Staff researched a total of 288 Provisional ballots cast recommending that 149 be rejected <br /> due to no record of registration and/or out of county registration, 19 be partially counted <br /> due to voting outside of their assigned districts and 120 be fully counted. <br /> Staff completed scanning"authorization to vote"forms so that voter history data was <br /> available within 10 business days. <br /> Board and director conducted the sample audit count for two precincts as directed by the <br /> State Board of Elections to ensure machine accuracy. The ending hand-eye counts were <br /> the same as the Election Day machine count. The Board certified the official results on <br /> May 15, 2012. <br /> Below is statistical information that may be of interest. <br />