Orange County NC Website
Detailed Technical Assessment (potential sources, stressors, and strategies) <br />Quantify Magnitude of Impacts: <br />Predicted impact from various stressors using: <br />o Empirical models <br />o GIS analyses <br />o Statistical analyses <br />Predicted nitrogen and phosphorus loads to Jordan Lake <br />Modeled other stressors, including: <br />o Sediment loading <br />o Stream erosion and instability <br />o Imperviousness <br />o Buffer disturbance <br />Targeting of Management (specific watershed recommendations] <br />Potential Strategies: <br />- Stream restoration <br />- Storm water management <br />- Best management practice retrofits <br />- Conservation of undeveloped land <br />- Low density/low impact development <br />- Further monitoring and analysis <br />Tangible End Results <br />- 25 BMP sites identified <br />o treat 600 acres of priority subwatersheds <br />- 11 stream restoration projects <br />0 28,000 linear feet of restored stream <br />- 137 priority preservation parcels <br />0 over 600 acres of high quality riparian habitat targeted for preservation efforts <br />EEP Implementation <br />Stream restoration and enhancement <br />o Mason Farm - floodplain restoration <br />o Chapel Creek <br />Best Management Practices (BMPs) <br />o Best if in conjunction with restoration <br />Preservation <br />o Easements required for all projects <br />o Acquisition or donation <br />Implementation Partnerships <br />