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ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: June 19, 2012 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. --7_ % <br />SUBJECT: Amendment to the Orange County Personnel Ordinance Article IV, Section <br />28 -36, Health Insurance <br />DEPARTMENT: Human Resources PUBLIC HEARING: (YIN) No <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />1. Current Orange County Personnel <br />Ordinance Effective with the FY 2011 -12 <br />Budget: Article IV, Section 28 -36 <br />2. Amended Orange County Personnel <br />Ordinance Effective with the FY 2012 -13 <br />Budget: Article IV, Section 28 -36 <br />3. Additional Employee and Retiree Data <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Sharon Goode Laisure, Interim Human <br />Resources Director, 245 -2552 <br />Annette Moore, Staff Attorney, 245 -2317 <br />Diane Shepherd, Benefits Manager, 245- <br />2558 <br />PURPOSE: To consider and approve an amendment to the Orange County Personnel <br />Ordinance Article IV, Section 28 -36, Health Insurance regarding retiree health coverage for <br />employees hired on or after July 1, 2012. <br />BACKGROUND: Orange County provides health insurance to retirees who have completed a <br />specific number of years of Orange County service, described in the current Personnel <br />Ordinance, Attachment 1. At age 65, retirees enroll in Medicare and leave the County's group <br />health insurance. The cost for Medicare supplements is typically less than 50% of the cost of <br />the group health premium, but the County will pay up to 100% of the cost of the group health <br />premium for Medicare supplements. <br />The combination of increased health care costs, greater longevity among retirees, and higher <br />numbers of retirees has resulted in a County liability for unfunded future retiree health insurance <br />of almost $63 million. Without intervention, the cost of retiree health benefits will soon exceed <br />the cost of active employee health care as more employees retire AND the cost of the benefits <br />increases. In 2012, the Board of County Commissioners discussed retiree health insurance <br />liability at the March 1, April 24, and June 7 budget work sessions. <br />In 2008, the Personnel Ordinance was amended to stop subsidizing the cost of retirees' <br />dependent health insurance. The current Personnel Ordinance (Attachment 1) includes <br />highlighting of the areas that are proposed for changes. The amended Personnel Ordinance <br />(Attachment 2) incorporates the proposed changes, which would apply only to employees hired <br />on or after July 1, 2012 and would: <br />o Increase the eligibility requirement from a total of ten years Orange County service <br />to twenty continuous years of Orange County service for a retiree under age 65 <br />retiring with a service retirement; <br />