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F'7 <br />a) Livability: The Church will provide an idyllic setting for worship, living, <br />playing, and contemplation. A "Park -like setting" is paramount to the <br />achievement of a "Village" type of community in order to provide a high <br />degree of harmony, serenity, and "livability" within the Project and <br />surrounding neighborhoods. <br />b) Visual Impact: Although the Site is somewhat removed from the "high - <br />visibility thoroughfares" of Chapel Hill, the Project will be visually <br />"engaging" and will be "friendly" with development in the surrounding <br />area. The use of high - quality architecture and planning in a unified <br />design scheme will place this community as a "Signature Project" for the <br />region. <br />c) Vegetation: A high degree of protection of the natural vegetation, with <br />minimal land- disturbing activity, is proposed. Besides the natural <br />woodland buffers at the perimeter of the site, numerous interior <br />vegetation buffers will be used to separate the Project into different <br />"zones ". The protection of as many large deciduous trees as possible, as <br />well as the "canopy" of trees, is vital to the success of the Project. <br />d) Mobility: As a point of destination, there is minimal vehicular thru- traffic <br />initially proposed for this development. Although vehicular circulation will <br />be kept to a minimum, the "emphasis will be placed on the Pedestrian" <br />with a network of pedestrian sidewalks interconnecting different parts of <br />the Community with surrounding areas. A connection to the Habitat <br />Community will be built per the recommendation of Chapel Hill <br />Transportation. <br />e) Activity Centers: While the non - residential component of this <br />development, the Church complex, is the main focal point of the Project <br />and a "High- activity" zone, The Residential Area is considered to be a <br />"Medium- activity zone ". The Cemetery development and Greenbelt <br />zone are "Low- activity" zones. The Greenbelt zone, with the introduction <br />of the Pond, adjacent sidewalks, adjacent recreation, landscaping, yard <br />lighting, etc., becomes a "Park" within the Community itself. <br />f) Views: The Project site will become an "introverted site ", with primary <br />views directed inwardly towards the Greenbelt and secondary views <br />towards green areas (i.e. buffer zones). <br />Based on Article 4.4 of the Land Use Management Ordinance for Chapel Hill, in order to <br />establish and maintain sound, stable and desirable development within the planning <br />Statement of Zoning Atlas Amendment to R -5 -C with Planned Development Mixed <br />Use Zoning Designation for St. Paul Village <br />St. Paul AME Church Community <br />Chapel Hill, North Carolina <br />