Orange County NC Website
z <br />Joint Planning Land Use Plan <br />The Joint Planning Land Use Plan is available at: <br />http: / / orange /planning /Documents.asp. Pages 56 through 60 and 71 through 81 of <br />the plan are the most salient pages regarding this rezoning request. <br />Orange County Planning Board Recommendation <br />The Orange County Planning Board considered this application at its May 2, 2012 regular <br />meeting (Minutes are included at Attachment 3). The Planning Board voted unanimously to <br />recommend approval of the rezoning request. <br />Planning Director's Recommendation <br />The Planning Director recommends approval of this rezoning request based on the following: <br />A. The rezoning is consistent with the adopted JPA land use plan which intends higher <br />density and intensity than the "base zoning" of R -1. <br />Attachment 4 contains the proposed Ordinance approving the rezoning. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Other than advertising costs and staff time which have been paid using <br />budgeted FY2011 -12 funds, there is no direct cost to the County. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board: <br />1. Receive the Planning Board's recommendation of approval; <br />2. Close the public hearing; and <br />3. Adopt the ordinance contained in Attachment 4 approving the rezoning. <br />