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<br />Meeting Date: June 19, 2012
<br />Agenda Title: Joint Resolution Approving the Dissolution of Orange
<br />Person Chatham Mental Health, Developmental Disability and Substance Abuse
<br />Authority and Establishment of an Area Authority for the New Fifteen County
<br />Catchment Area
<br />Summary of Information: On June 23, 2011 House Bill 916, 2011 N.C. Session Laws
<br />264, was enacted by the North Carolina General Assembly, which required both
<br />implementation of a statewide 1915(b) (c) Medicaid waiver for the public mental
<br />health system, as well as consolidation of existing area authorities based on total
<br />population. In the late spring of 2011 OPC's Area Board, as well as the Boards of
<br />County Commissioners in Orange, Person & Chatham Counties, voted to move
<br />forward in negotiations with PBH, the area authority serving Cabarrus, Davidson,
<br />Rowan, Stanly and Union Counties. Since that time Alamance, Caswell, Franklin,
<br />Granville, Warren, Vance & Halifax counties have joined with PBH.
<br />On March 22, 2012 the Orange County Board of County Commissioners approved
<br />the Joint Resolution of the Boards of County Commissioners of Alamance,
<br />Cabarrus, Caswell, Chatham, Davidson, Franklin, Granville, Halifax, Orange, Person,
<br />Rowan, Stanly, Union, Vance and Warren Counties, which created a new area
<br />authority known as Cardinal Innovations Healthcare Solutions, with a total covered
<br />population of 1,442,8989.
<br />On April 1, 2012 the Medicaid waiver was opened in Orange, Person and Chatham
<br />counties and a local community operations center was established. The
<br />community operations center has responsibility for managing local provider
<br />relations, consumer affairs, community relations, housing, system of care, quality
<br />management, and care coordination for all age and disabilities. The corporate
<br />offices in Kannapolis will manage screening, triage & referral, claims processing,
<br />financial management, human resources, information systems, and specialty
<br />operations support. Community operation centers will operate under their existing
<br />name, i.e. Orange, Person and Chatham counties will be known as the OPC
<br />Community Operations Center.
<br />On June 1 1, 2012 the OPC Area Board held a public hearing regarding the
<br />dissolution of Orange Person Chatham Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities
<br />and Substance Abuse Authority.
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