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Commissioner Gordon made reference to page two and the 400-meter track and athletic <br />stadium. She asked if it would have bleachers. Libbie Hough said that there would be <br />bleachers an one side and this would be a multi-use facility for football and soccer. <br />Commissioner Carey verified that the net overage is $2,672,800 aver the preliminary budget. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the total estimated cost would be $21,522,800, including the estimated <br />savings. He pointed out that this adds up to $175 per square foot. This does not include many <br />factors such as furniture, land, and equipment, etc. He asked that all of that be backed out so <br />the County Commissioners can compare the cost per square foot of construction. <br />Liz Brown arrived at 9:05 p.m. <br />Randy Copeland asked about the purchase of the two properties and said that they only needed <br />41 acres. He said that the schaol system purchased two sites of 67 acres. He asked about the <br />process for refunding the money as the County purchases the 26 acres back. <br />Geof Gledhill said that the plan he has talked about with the school system attorney is that they <br />would propose that the County might purchase from the school system a conservation <br />easement that would provide a credit to the budget for this school. There is no way, with the <br />existing land use regulations, that the school system can Canvey the land to Orange County, <br />because it would be contrary to the special use permit. He said that every square inch of the 67 <br />acres is necessary to develop the school on this property. The other way is by moving a <br />significant amount of the impervious surface associated with the roads to the West Ten Soccer <br />Center. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the Board of County Commissioners has not discussed this and Geof <br />Gledhill said that the school board has not either. Geof Gledhill said that he and Mr. Parker, the <br />school system's attorney, would be collaborating on putting a package together for both <br />boards. He does not think it is necessary for money to change hands. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that this is new to her and Geof Gledhill said that this was one of the <br />conditions of the special use permit. Commissioner Gordon had thought that there might be a <br />passibility of building another elementary school on this site. <br />Geof Gledhill said that the only way additional development can occur on the 67 acres is <br />through the approval of and the funding of a significant detention pond to handle storm water <br />from impervious surface. This is not in the plan or the budget at this time. <br />Libbie Hough said that they were surprised too. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that impervious surface issues need to be addressed with each <br />new school in the County. <br />AI Hartkopf asked if there was any information about getting water to the middle school. Chair <br />Jacobs said that they are working with Mebane and Geof Gledhill said that it depends on the <br />funding to construct it. The contract is in place for Mebane to provide the service, but Mebane <br />is not paying far the extension of the system. <br />