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Elizabeth Carter said that Libbie Hough is new as a Chair and that they have gotten as far as <br />the after school programming. Some of their funding for after school programming is supposed <br />to run out. She said that this needs immediate attention. <br />Libbie Hough said that this is not an exhaustive list because originally they came up with 20 <br />items and pared it down to ten in order to be able to tackle these in the next year. <br />Elizabeth Carter said that the last time they met at a joint school board meeting with the BOCC <br />they said that they did not feel that they got enough commitment from the Board of County <br />Commissioners and they have talked about this. They want to be collaborative with the other <br />school board but also with the Board of County Commissioners and wish to know how they can <br />be sure they are moving in the right direction. <br />John Link said that they were talking about areas that are important to school function that can <br />be accomplished through contract between the Department of Public Health, Department of <br />Social Services, law enforcement agencies and the school systems separate and apart from the <br />per pupil appropriation. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked for an elaboration <br />collaborate. Elizabeth Carter said that they did <br />and they did not get into the dollar amounts. <br />on the cost implications of the list of ten ways to <br />not get that far. The plan is about the feasibility <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to "Joint opportunities for professional development" and <br />asked if this would cost anything extra. <br />Shirley Carraway said that there is a possibility that it would not cost anything extra. It depends <br />on the type of professional development. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she thought she heard both chairs talk about the pace and the <br />resources, and she was trying to figure out if uncertainty of resources was affecting the pace. <br />Neil Pedersen said that it varies from item to item and there are costs associated with some of <br />these, and if additional funding is not received or the resources are not reprioritized, then they <br />would not be able to do them. Number two is an example of this -Coordinated implementation <br />of middle college program and/or more extensive dual enrollment programs with local <br />community colleges, taking advantage of Durham Tech's Orange County campus to the <br />greatest extent possible. He made reference to number three and said that they agreed <br />philosophically, and they would have to save seats and there would be transportation costs <br />associated with this. Number three is "Measurable opportunities far students in each district to <br />participate in programs in the other district that are not now currently available to them; e.g. <br />CHCCS AP courses, OCS vocational courses, OCS IB program." <br />Commissioner Carey asked if they have had enough discussions with Durham Tech to see what <br />the middle college program would look like. Neil Pedersen said that they did administratively. <br />He said that they are envisioning a model similar to Guilford Community College. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he is excited about this model, but a lot of funding of that <br />program came through existing sources. When he saw the list, he thought that planning meant <br />that it would be implemented, but that is not the case. He thinks the direction is good and the <br />