Agenda - 06-19-2012 - 5k
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-19-2012 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 06-19-2012 - 5k
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Last modified
1/12/2016 10:49:51 AM
Creation date
6/15/2012 12:12:43 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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2012-133 Planning - Hobbs, Upchurch, & Associates PA for Buckhorn Mebane EDD Water and Sewer Extension Project Phase II
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Minutes 06-19-2012
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13 <br />MOM" Hobbs Upchurch Associates <br />January 13, 2012 <br />Mr. Craig Benedict <br />Orange County Planning & Inspection <br />131 W. Margaret Lane <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />RE: Buckhorn- Mebane EDD <br />Easement Plats/Acquisitions <br />Dear Mr. Benedict: <br />Per your request, Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates, P.A. (HUA) is pleased to offer our services to <br />Orange County for preparing all easements and assisting in the procurement of the required <br />easements for construction. We offer our services to Orange County as follows: <br />Easement Maps and Descriptions <br />HUA will provide all necessary field surveying, deed research, mapping and technical <br />services for the completion of detailed maps and legal description for each property. For <br />each property, HUA will provide an easement map to scale on legal size paper along with <br />a certified legal description for use in preparing the easement. HUA will provide these <br />services for all of the properties required to complete the above referenced project for a <br />fee of EIGHTEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($18,500.00). <br />• Easement Negotiations <br />HUA staff will provide coordination and assist Orange County in delivery, explanation <br />and coordination for obtaining all easements on the project. These services will include <br />group meetings and individual meetings as required in coordination with the County <br />Attorney for obtaining the easements. HUA proposes to do this work for a lump sum <br />amount estimated to be TWELVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($12,000.00). <br />If any properties should require additional meetings or extra coordination, HUA will <br />complete that work at our hourly rates. <br />• Appraisals <br />Upon determination of how many properties Orange County will require appraisals for; <br />HUA will coordinate the appraisal services and a cost for same to the County. Appraisals <br />on certain properties may require varying amounts of detail and review, including review <br />appraisals. The actual cost of appraisals will be forthcoming based on the actual need <br />and further discussions with potential appraisers. <br />T:910.692.5616 I F,910.692.7342 I 300 SW BROAD STREET I SOUTHERN PINES, NC 28388 I WWW.HOBBSUPCHURCH.COM <br />SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE THROUGH INNOVATIVE DESIGN <br />
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