Orange County NC Website
2 <br />Orange County Small Cities CDBG Program <br />Local Economic Benefit for Low- and Very Low - Income Persons Plan <br />To ensure that, to the greatest extent possible, contracts for work are awarded to business <br />concerns located or owned in substantial part by persons residing in the Section 3 covered area, <br />as required by Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, Orange County <br />has developed and hereby adopts the following Plan: <br />This Section 3 Plan shall apply to services needed in connection with the grant including, but not <br />limited to, businesses in the fields of planning, consulting, design, building <br />construction/renovation, maintenance and repair, etc. <br />This Section 3 covered project area for the purposes of this grant program shall include Orange <br />County and portions of the immediately adjacent area. <br />When in need of a service, Orange County will identify suppliers, contractors or subcontractors <br />located in the Section 3 area. Resources for this identification shall include the Minority <br />Business Directory published through the State Department of Commerce, local directories and <br />Small Business Administration local offices. Word of mouth recommendation shall also be used <br />as a source. <br />Orange County will include this Section 3 clause in all contracts executed under this CDBG <br />Program. Where deemed necessary, listings from any agency noted above shall be included as <br />well as sources of subcontractors and suppliers. <br />The prime contractor selected for major public works facility or public construction work will be <br />required to submit a Section 3 Plan which will outline his/her work needs in connection with the <br />project. Should a need exist to hire any additional personnel, the Orange County Employment <br />Security Commission shall be notified and referred to the contractor. <br />Each contract for housing rehabilitation under the program, as applicable, for jobs having <br />contracts in excess of $100,000 shall be required to submit a Section 3 Plan. This Plan will be <br />maintained on file in the grant office and shall be updated from time to time or as the grant staff <br />may deem necessary. <br />Early in our project, prior to any contracting, major purchases or hiring, we will develop a listing <br />of jobs, supplies and contracts likely to be utilized during the project. We will then advertise in <br />our local newspaper an advertisement, prominently located as a display advertisement, the <br />pertinent information regarding the project including all Section 3 required information. <br />Adopted this day of , 2012. <br />Chair, Board of County Commissioners <br />