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they do make presentations to three advisory boards -Commission far the Environment, <br />Agricultural Preservation Board, and Historic Preservation Commission and actively solicit <br />comments. <br />Chair Jacobs said that if any of the County Commissioners were going to attend the <br />Duke Forest dedication on October 14t", he would point out the person that is the roadblock to <br />the agreement. He said that this agreement has been sitting on this person's desk for two <br />years. The agreement is that Duke would put some of its most significant natural areas in the <br />State Natural Heritage Program, and give the County right of first option on any Duke Forest <br />properties that would be sold in Orange County. In exchange, the County would work with them <br />to protect out parcels and that the Sheriff would work with them to police parking areas at Duke <br />Forest. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that there is text on pages 3-6, and these potential new <br />projects need to be taken out of the goals and the specific acquisition text. She asked far <br />suggestions. <br />Chair Jacobs said to add a section on page six and Rich Shaw said that they could <br />distinguish them and not keep them at equal level. <br />Commissioner Gordon said to just make an additional item `f' an page six and list the <br />potential projects there. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br />approve as amended, the adoption of the revised draft Lands Legacy Action Plan for fiscal <br />years 2Q04-06. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />c. Fairview and Northern (HSC) Parks -Timetables and Status Reports <br />The Board reviewed a status report, preliminary concept plans, and the proposed <br />schedule far design of the next two County parks projects -the Northern (Human Services <br />Center} Park and the Fairview Park and Campus (Phase II} and provided direction to staff on <br />the Board's preferred sequence of activities. <br />ERCD Director Dave Stancil said that there are several different park projects in various <br />stages of construction and preconstruction. Little River Park is nearing completion, and later <br />this fall, bids for construction of facilities at Efland-Cheeks Park Phase I I will be coming before <br />the Board, as well as Smith Middle School playing field. These bids will probably be coming in <br />November. An open house to review plans for Twin Creeks is on October 4`" <br />The packet includes the adopted preliminary concept plan and process for Northern <br />Park. The process would use a series of community meetings between October and January to <br />help develop the design. He showed the area on a map. <br />He noted that the dates on page nine are tentative. Also, the process for the park <br />design is separate from the planned upgrade of the building and the wastewater system. <br />Commissioners Brown and Halkiotis have been previously designated to be the representatives <br />from the Board in these efforts. <br />At Fairview, they have also conducted a lot of preliminary work towards a goal of <br />beginning this project in early 20Q5. There is a draft preliminary concept plan in the agenda <br />packet. This is a refinement of the map shown in June. One important activity that has not <br />occurred is the consideration and adoption by the two boards of a memorandum of agreement <br />(Town of Hillsborough and County). <br />Funding for the two projects is already in place and the recommendation is for the Board <br />to consider the schedule and status report and provide any direction. <br />Chair Jacobs asked Geof Gledhill about the Memorandum of Understanding and if there <br />was a date for closure. Geof Gledhill said that the comments he has regarding the MOU are <br />minor and this could came before both boards this year. <br />