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Rod Visser said that Mr. Segal works with the entity, and if savings are achieved over a <br />period of time, then his firm keeps a certain percentage of savings. He said that his firm <br />understands that all of the recommendations may not be acted upon. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that Mr. Segal was discovered as a result of a citizen's <br />efficiency task farce. He said that there are only three people in his firm and he lives a frugal <br />life. He thinks they told Mr. Segal upfront that they were not interested in having someone tell <br />them to make counter-productive cuts. He said that Mr. Segal goes beyond this and looks at <br />the operations. <br />Commissioner Carey said that they should discuss this with the school boards and then <br />configure the proposal or plan afterwards. He also thinks that the County should be examined <br />along with the school systems. He asked when the Educational Excellence report would be <br />brought back. <br />Rod Visser said that the general timeline is to finish the work in November and to bring <br />the report back before Christmas. Commissioner Carey said that they should expressly request <br />to get it before Christmas. <br />Commissioner Carey asked about the timeframe with the work with Mr. Segal. Rod <br />Visser said that they have not discussed a specific timeline. His experience is that Mr. Segal is <br />very efficient in moving things along. <br />Commissioner Carey proposed that this report be ready at the same time as the <br />Educational Excellence report. <br />Chair Jacobs said that part of the purpose of this is to address the issue of equalizing <br />funding. <br />b. Lands Legacy Action Plan - FY 2004-06 <br />The Board considered adoption of the revised draft Lands Legacy Action Plan for fiscal <br />years 2004-06, revised with Board comments from the August 31St work session. <br />Rich Shaw with the Environmental and Resource Conservation Department said that <br />every two years they do an action plan for the County's lands legacy program. A draft action <br />plan that would run through June 2006 was presented to the Board at the August 31St work <br />session. This is a revised action plan dated September 1St, which incorporates changes <br />recommended during the work session. The changes are highlighted in yellow. The most <br />substantive change was to reformat the list of priority projects, separating previously approved <br />and multi-year projects carried over from the previous action plan from the proposed new <br />projects. The maps have also been changed. This plan is presented to the Board for adoption. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to page seven and the priority list and said that <br />the previously approved projects should take priority. She is concerned about spreading money <br />and staff time a little thin. The proposed new projects should be re-titled to "other projects for <br />potential investigation" or something like that so that people do not expect that the County is <br />going to pursue them in the same way. She recommended taking away the timetable and <br />estimated costs for the potential new projects and just including a list of the potential new <br />projects. <br />Chair Jacobs suggested calling them "potential new projects far 2004-2006" and moving <br />farmland easements up to the previous group, because it has been agreed upon. <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested keeping the matrix and then put "unknown" for <br />estimated costs and timetable for Bolin Creek and the other potential new projects. The Board <br />agreed. <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to the future park sites and the North Central (Cedar <br />Grove Township}, and said that it should probably say Cedar GrovelEno/Hillsborough because <br />the location has not been pinpointed. <br />Chair Jacobs asked if the County had solicited comments from historic alliances. There <br />are some recommendations from the Historic Preservation Commission. Rich Shaw said that <br />