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school system and the committee went into the process and produced a design reflecting the <br />guidelines given; some of the costs have been affected by rising costs of materials; the <br />availability for emergency preparedness at this school (emergency generators, access to the <br />community for a shelter); the high schools are overcrowded. <br />Item 10-a was moved to 9-a1. <br />a1. Parameters for Possible School Efficiency Study <br />The Board received a report from staff on efficiency measures implemented to date by <br />the Orange County and Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School Systems and to discuss possible next <br />steps related to school efficiency and provide direction to the Manager and Staff. <br />John Link said this item is a report from staff on efficiency measures already pursued by <br />both school systems. This relates to one of the initiatives that the Board wanted to pursue and <br />analyze this year. About a year ago, there was a presentation on the Analysis of Potential <br />Impacts Resulting from a Possible Merger of the Two School Systems. There were three public <br />hearings in the fall, and after the three public hearings, the Board determined to pursue three <br />elements of further analysis and discussion prior to discussing merger or funding equity further. <br />The first element was collaboration between the two school systems. This has been facilitated <br />through a number of meetings already. <br />Secondly, there was a pursuit of assessing the educational excellence, specifically <br />examining the educational programming provided by both school systems. This assessment <br />has been contracted between the County and UNC's School of Education. This should be <br />finished by late fall. <br />Thirdly, which is tonight's item, was to examine haw greater operational efficiency might <br />be achieved in both school systems. He said that he met with school superintendents in <br />August. The summary of what has already been achieved in the way of efficiency is provided <br />as part of the agenda materials. Recently, Chair Jacobs and Commissioner Halkiotis and <br />County staff met with a private CPA, Bob Segal, who has worked with the school systems in the <br />past in achieving efficiencies and economies. There is discussion about Mr. Segal returning to <br />help both school systems and the County look at additional elements of efficiency. This could <br />be a topic for the scheduled meeting between the County Commissioners and the two school <br />boards. <br />Chair Jacobs thanked Commissioner Halkiotis. He said that they talked about how to do <br />this study in acost-effective manner. The County does already have a relationship with Mr. <br />Segal. He said that this was essentially a County Commissioners' initiative and they look at it <br />as another collaborative effort with the school systems. He said that they have isolated where a <br />study was done with the Chamber of Commerce working with a school system in Greenville, <br />South Carolina. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that Mr. Segal is a hands-on person and he was staffing his <br />own booth at the NCACC. She said that there is no reason not to go with him since he has <br />worked with Orange County before. She asked if this should be bid out. She also asked about <br />next steps and what the scope of work would be and what would be given to Mr. Segal. <br />John Link said that Mr. Segal would be willing to attend the meeting next week, and from <br />that discussion and other discussions, Mr. Segal would bring back a scope of work in October. <br />Rod Visser said that Mr. Segal does have some specific ideas but he wants to hear from <br />the three governing boards. He said that Donna Dean has been in touch with Greenville, and <br />there is an executive summary in the mail to the County. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that there is no recommendation yet. She said that <br />sometimes suggested cuts could hurt services, so there should be a balance. <br />