Orange County NC Website
N rth C th <br />2 <br />o arohna has the 12 highest rate of adult obesity in the nation, and today, more <br />than a third of its 10 -17 year olds are overweight or obese. Infusing fresh and flavorful <br />fruits and vegetables into diets at every age can significantly reduce long -term health <br />care expenses in the state. <br />Expanding the market will result in new farm, food and manufacturing businesses and <br />create jobs. <br />CEFS has partnered with many institutions and organizations including Charlotte based <br />Compass Group, the world's largest foodservice company, and N.C. Cooperative Extension <br />$ervice ------- These_ organizations are working with_ CEFSto develop the-initial -ancHong -term_ <br />components of the campaign. <br />Cooperative Extension has designated regional directors and local food coordinators in all 100 <br />counties to advance the 10% Campaign. Extension's on- the - ground experts are joined by other <br />community leaders, farmers, business owners, teachers, and students statewide, many of <br />whom are already working to build the state's sustainable local food economy, from farm to fork. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact associated with receiving the presentation. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board receive the presentation and, if <br />needed, provide feedback/direction to staff. <br />