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for local foods will result in new farm, food and manufacturing business investment, helping to <br />create jobs. <br />Since the initiation of this effort, eight Orange County businesses have agreed on to participate <br />in the campaign. Activity at the W.C. Breeze Family Farm Agricultural Extension and Research <br />Center in northern Orange County works to enhance this effort, where 230 student - farmers <br />have completed the "PLANT" (People Learning Agriculture Now for Tomorrow) workshop series <br />since 2008, and four start-up farms (and seven individuals) have leased land at the Breeze <br />Farm in 2012, including members of the local Burmese community. In the next few months, 28 <br />acres of pasture will be put into use by a local farmer, and infrastructure improvements are <br />continuing. The 2012 Farm to Fork event at Breeze Farm on May 20 was a sell -out, and the <br />event raised more than $20,000 for the Center for Environmental Farming Systems and the <br />Breeze Farm. <br />Another critical piece of the local foods system is the Piedmont Food and Agricultural <br />Processing Center (PFAP), located on Valley Forge Road in Hillsborough. At present, 21 clients <br />are using the facility, and seven more are in the training and approval process - creating foods <br />in 19 different product categories. All are selling locally, with seven selling in the Piedmont and <br />others across the southeast and as far away as China. The facility's existence has enabled its <br />two largest clients to save $750,000 in capital investment and $2,600 annually in operating <br />costs. <br />The attached resolution notes the benefits that are gained by such an initiative, the efforts <br />already underway in Orange County towards this end as noted above, pledges to promote <br />participation in the 10% Campaign by the County, and encourages its employees and County <br />residents to do likewise. It also asks County staff to examine ways this initiative is being <br />furthered by existing activities within County government, and look for ways to expand and <br />institutionalize this goal within County government. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with approval of this resolution. The <br />financial impact of addressing the 10% goal within County government is currently unknown, but <br />would be part of the exploration and assessment done by County staff, with a subsequent <br />report on proposed measures and associated costs to be provided in the fall of 2012. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board approve and authorize the <br />Chair to sign the attached resolution supporting the "10% Campaign ", and instruct the Manager <br />and staff to begin documenting current activities and exploring possible future ways of <br />incorporating this goal into County government, with a report on possible measures and <br />associated costs and benefits to be provided in fall 2012. <br />