Orange County NC Website
He said that the logical ending point is Umstead Park. But if they have enough money, then <br />they will probably make the connection to Carrboro and this would serve both communities. <br />They would like to study the entire corridor and one of the areas they have looked at is Village <br />Drive. One significant obstacle is Estes Drive Extension and the elevation of the road above the <br />creek. They would like to study the corridor up to Seawell School Road and identify terminus <br />points. <br />Chair Jacobs said that this is $1 million that the Orange County voters approved in the <br />2001 bond for greenways for Chapel Hill, just as they approved $750,000 for greenways for <br />Carrboro, which went to the acquisition of the Adams Tract. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis suggested sending a letter from the BOCC Chair to the Town of <br />Chapel Hill on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners saying that the Caunty <br />Commissioners are interested in seeing the projected western terminus of the greenway all the <br />way. He thinks there is a tremendous amount of uncertainty about casts based on the trend in <br />construction casts. <br />Chair Jacobs asked Dave Stancil to draft a letter. <br />Dave Stancil said that as this proceeds the project committee will meet regularly and will <br />came back to the Board for approval. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br />approve the allocation of $75,000 from the 2001 Parks and Open Space Bond funds (Joint <br />Town/County Open Space portion} toward this project, to be provided to the Town of Chapel Hill <br />in a manner similar to the process far reimbursement funding of other current TownlCaunty <br />partner projects, with an accompanying letter from the Chair to the Town of Chapel Hill as <br />stated above by Commissioner Halkiotis. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Employee Health Insurance for 2005 <br />The Board considered renewal of employee health insurance plans through the North <br />Carolina Association of County Commissioners (NCACC) Health Insurance Trust effective <br />January 1, 2005. <br />John Link said that the County is part of the North Carolina Association of County <br />Commissioners Health Insurance Trust, and the idea is that, by counties pulling their sources <br />together, the County gets a better deal on health insurance. <br />Personnel Director Elaine Holmes gave a PowerPoint presentation as shown below. <br />She pointed aut a salmon colored sheet, which was an update from Cigna after the agenda was <br />distributed. Cigna is asking for a rate increase of 30.56 % partly due to their experiencing <br />several large claims from Orange County. <br />