Orange County NC Website
^ Many employees will leave Cigna <br />^ Go ahead and take advantage of sole provider rate reduction for employees and County <br />Draft Monthly Rates <br />^ Based on discontinuing Cigna and implementing sole provider option <br />^ Continue the County's contribution for employee health insurance as: <br />^ Full cost for individual employee coverage <br />^ 52 percent of cost of dependent coverage based on Blue Care plan <br />. Family friendly policy <br />. Addresses Lower salaried <br />2004-05 County Budget for Health Insurance <br />^ Approved budget included funding for up to a 12 percent increase effective January 7, 2005 <br />^ Budgeted amount for increase is $268, 000 <br />20Q4-05 County Cost <br />Recommendation <br />^ Approve renewal of employee health insurance with the 11ICACG Health Insurance Trust as <br />the County's sole provider <br />^ Discontinue the Cigna plan effective January 7, 2005 <br />^ Adopt the health insurance rates for 2005 <br />. Attachment 1 of abstract <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he is intrigued by the reorganization of Blue CrosslBlue <br />Shield and how they are spending millions of dollars doing television commercials. He said that <br />he would like to think about, before the next budget cycle, some kind of anticipatory response <br />scheme where the County is not held hostage based on some concern of the fuzzy area of <br />anticipated health insurance increases. He said that the Board did a lot of agonizing aver the <br />budget. He is wondering if this is a one-time capture of savings. He is suspicious. <br />