Minutes - 20040831
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20040831
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8/14/2008 3:12:31 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:24:57 PM
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Agenda - 08-31-2004-
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Chair Jacobs verified that the National Family Caregivers Support Program was a federal <br />program and the funding was approximately $57,000. This position will receive $26,000 of that <br />total. He asked if this was a new grant and Kate Barrett said that it was projected to go for five <br />years and there are bills to expand the amount of money and the length. <br />Chair Jacobs said that this initiative was probably subject to being cut and this is why there is <br />money in the social safety net. He does not have a problem with shifting the money, but he <br />thinks the motion should include something about revisiting the OPT driver position. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to approve <br />the realignment of the OPT Driver position to serve as Eldercare Manager; approve changing <br />the position from permanent full-time to permanent part-time (35 hours per week}; and authorize <br />the release of funds from the budgeted reserve to fund the position for 2004-05; and that the <br />Board will re-visit the OPT driver position in the next budget cycle. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />3. Capital Budget Planning <br />John Link said that during the budget process last spring the Board raised questions about the <br />budgeting process and the County's operational budget. During the summer, the staff tried to <br />summarize the areas that needed to be addressed. He had asked Budget Director Donna Dean <br />to organize the material, which is in the attached memo from her to John Link. He said that the <br />staff needs to know which items the Board wants back and in what timeframe. <br />John Link went through the different issues. In regards to Capital Budget Planning, there was <br />some discussion among the Board members about reexamining the County's capital funding <br />policy that has been in place since 1996 or 1997. The policy is to appropriate money first to pay <br />debt and then disperse money for pay-as-you-go, and then on a per capita basis appropriate the <br />money to the two school systems and then to the County. There has also been discussion <br />about a passible bond referendum for schools. Other issues include the Sportsplex, Parks and <br />Recreation Strategic Plan, and sustainability issues. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he would like to see the chart that shows how close the County is to 15°I° <br />of the total budget for the debt service policy. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he would like to get into the decision-making position regarding the 60140 <br />policy that he mentioned before for funding. Now that the SAPFO is in place, the County should <br />be able to project what it needs to build for schools. There are also many County needs that <br />are being deferred because of school needs. <br />Donna Dean asked for more clarification on the 60140 split. Chair Jacobs said that he wanted <br />more information on how it might be implemented. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she is not sure she wants to revisit the County's capital funding <br />policy, but she would like to look at the debt policy. She would also like to look at payment-in- <br />lieu policies. Also, school funding equity and the efficiency study should be addressed. She <br />has not thought the county would pursue a bond referencdum in the near future. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she would like to do what was done in the past, which is try to <br />have the public hearing an the capital policy early in the spring and figure out what to put in the <br />CIP before June. This prevents having so much jammed in at the end. <br />
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