Minutes - 20040831
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20040831
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8/14/2008 3:12:31 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 2:24:57 PM
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Chair Jacobs said that the issues with Fairview Park and not being able to put in a lot of active <br />recreation because of the previous landfill led to discussions of looking at another site to serve <br />Hillsborough Township. It seems a park in Hillsborough Township should be moved up higher <br />in priority because it might serve two or three townships. <br />John Link said that the staff recommends for the Board to discuss this as long as it would like, <br />and then a revised plan could be brought back on a consent agenda, perhaps on September Stn <br />Chair Jacobs noted that some of the projects in the proposed plan are new projects that the <br />Board has not discussed. He suggested differentiating what is an ongoing project and what is <br />proposed as a new project. He asked the staff to also think about prioritizing, since there might <br />be limited funds. <br />Commissioner Gordon would like to do the projects that are ongoing first instead of the new <br />projects. The new projects are Bolin Creek Corridor, Halls Mill Historic Area, and Occoneechee <br />Mountain. The ongoing projects, which are the projects already approved by the Board, should <br />receive priority. Otherwise the financial and staff resources could be stretched too thin. <br />Chair Jacobs asked about Halls Mill and if this was the only historic site and Dave Stancil said <br />that there is Faucette Mill. Rich Shaw said that it should be recognized that Faucette Mill is still <br />in progress. <br />Dave Stancil said that if there was something in a previous action plan and there have been <br />steps towards it, it is not reflected in this action plan. <br />Chair Jacobs would like to see the whole plan and differentiate what is new (update of the <br />action plan} and what has not been adopted. <br />Chair Jacobs pointed out that on October 14th, Duke Forest would dedicate more than 1,000 <br />acres of land to the State's Natural Heritage Program. He said that Orange County has had <br />some impact on discussions with Duke Forest. He suggested having the Clerk set up a meeting <br />with the new President of Duke. He would also like to meet with people from UNC-Chapel Hill, <br />especially regarding lands that they own that the County assumes that they are going to protect. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she would be interested in attending a meeting with UNC. <br />Chair Jacobs said that with UNC, they would meet as a Board. <br />John Link said that his understanding is that the staff will come back with a framework that is <br />inclusive of existing projects, with reference to ongoing projects and others that are new. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the intent is not to discredit the Bolin Creek effort, but the Board has not <br />had a chance to discuss it. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the Friends of Bolin Creek are going to other jurisdictions. <br />They need to talk about partners in this situation. <br />Dave Stancil said that the Bolin Creek Corridor also came out of the Commission for the <br />Environment suggestions. <br />
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