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any other division of the Property into two or more parcels, is prohibited without the advance <br />written permission of the Grantee, except as provided for in Paragraph 7(d) which pertains to <br />single family residential dwellings. This prohibition applies regardless of how many separately <br />described parcels are contained in the legal description attached as Exhibit A. The Grantee <br />shall not give such permission, unless the Grantee determines that the proposed subdivision <br />will not substantially diminish or impair the agricultural viability or conservation values of the <br />Property. It is understood that notice of this Easement will be recorded on any approved <br />subdivided, partitioned or otherwise divided parcels. <br />9. Conservation Practices <br />All farming operations shall be conducted in a manner consistent with a farm <br />conservation plan prepared by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources <br />Conservation Service, or its successor, or by another qualified conservation professional <br />approved by the Grantee. This plan shall be updated periodically, and in any event at the time <br />the basic type of agricultural operation on the Property changes or at the time ownership of the <br />Property changes. All farming operations shall be in accordance with all applicable federal, <br />state and local laws. Under no circumstances shall there be any increase in size or scope to <br />industrial or factory type livestock operations characterized by the continuous confinement of <br />livestock in confined environments for the purpose of raising, feeding and fattening for market, <br />nor shall any slaughtering facilities or hog operation be allowed. <br />The land application storage and placement on the Property of domestic septic effluent <br />and municipal, commercial or industrial sewage sludge or liquid generated from such sources <br />for agricultural purposes may be undertaken only if in accordance with all applicable federal, <br />state and local laws and regulations. <br />10. Forest Management <br />Trees may be removed, cut and otherwise managed to control insects and disease, to <br />prevent personal injury and property damage, for firewood and other uses, including <br />construction of permitted improvements and fences on the Property. Any other cutting, <br />removal or harvesting of trees may be undertaken only if a) the purpose is for clearing land for <br />cultivation or use by livestock, and b) it occurs outside of a 100-foot buffer from both sides of <br />the unnamed stream that runs through the property and is identified on Exhibit B, and c) it is in <br />accordance with either the conservation plan referenced in Paragraph 9 herein or a forest <br />management plan prepared by a professional forester. <br />11. Mining <br />The mining or extraction of soil, sand, gravel, rock, oil, natural gas, fuel or any other <br />mineral substance, using any method that disturbs the surface of the land, is prohibited without <br />the advance written permission of the Grantee. The Grantee shall not give such permission, <br />unless the Grantee determines that the proposed mining or extraction will not substantially <br />6 of 13 <br />