Orange County NC Website
Planning Department. The financial guarantee must reflect 110 percent of that <br />estimate and be issued by an accredited financial institution licensed to do business in <br />North Carolina. <br />The document describing development restrictions to be recorded with the Final Plat <br />shall state that the financial guarantee will not be released until the road construction <br />has been inspected and approved by NCDOT. <br />2. An erosion control plan for construction of all streets shall be submitted by the <br />applicant for review and approval by the Orange County Erosion Control Division prior <br />to any disturbance on the site. <br />3. Prior to any construction or any alteration of any existing access within the right -of- <br />way of High Rock Road (SR 1340) and Mill Creek Road (SR 1343) the <br />developer /owner shall secure a driveway permit from the NCDOT District Office. <br />Submit a copy of the NCDOT- approved permit and letter to the Planning Department <br />at the same time as the request for Planning Department signatures on the Final Plat. <br />Sight distance triangles as prescribed by the subdivision regulations shall be shown at <br />all intersections within the subdivision, or included within the right -of -way of the <br />proposed street. <br />4. All lots shall secure access from an internal street within the subdivision. No corner lot <br />access shall be allowed within 50 feet of the right -of -way of an intersection. =This, <br />restriction shall be stated in a document describing development restrictions -and <br />requirements to be prepared by Planning Staff and recorded concurrently with the <br />Final Plat. <br />5. Approved street name signs shall be erected at the intersection of streets as required <br />in Section IV- 13- 3 -c -12 of the Orange County Subdivision Regulations. Evidence shall <br />be submitted by the applicant that the signs are in place or a copy of the receipt for <br />purchase of the signs shall be submitted to the Planning Department. <br />6. Record five -foot non - vehicular access easement along the entire frontage of High <br />Rock_ Road and Mill Creek Road and the proposed road right -of -way. <br />7. Dedicate additional five feet of right -of -way along the full length of High Rock Road <br />and Mill Creek Road. <br />C Land Use Buffers and Landscaping <br />1. Landscaping shall be preserved as indicated on the approved landscape plan, and <br />must be inspected and approved by the Planning and Inspections Department prior to <br />Planning Department signatures on the final plat. Landscaping shall be placed behind <br />the sight distance triangles at intersections. <br />2. Provisions for protection of existing trees as shown on the approved landscape plan <br />shall be included in a document describing development restrictions and requirements <br />to be prepared by Planning Staff and recorded concurrently with the Final Plat. <br />