Orange County NC Website
Chair Jacobs said that John Claflin from TTA called him to inform the Board of County <br />Commissioners about the reduction in the stations. He thought that was a positive gesture on <br />his part. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the one newspaper that covers Orange County is now adding a <br />roundup of what the Durham County Commissioners did with actions. He said that this would <br />probably start showing up in the Herald-Sun. He thinks the Board should talk about what the <br />media's obligations are to the public and try to address some of this responsibility. <br />Chair Jacobs said that a survey was just done of Durham County government <br />regarding accessibility for the disabled, and Durham County had not lived up to its <br />responsibilities. He has asked John Link to look at this in Orange County's buildings. For <br />example, the Government Services Center is difficult to get into upstairs because there are two <br />sets of doors that open toward you. <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to the solid waste fee and said that he gat billed far <br />services that he has yet to receive. He is on a map that says that he gets his recycling picked <br />up, but the times he has put it out it has never been picked up. He is going to continue putting it <br />out there anonymously to see if it gets picked up. He takes his trash and recycling to the <br />convenience center on Highway 57. <br />Chair Jacobs suggested that staff put up signs when the County Commissioners are <br />meeting that all cell phones are to be turned off. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he and his wife voted today and they were the 18t" and 19tH <br />people to vats after 11 hours, which is kind of sad. He expressed his appreciation to the voters <br />of Orange County who were very supportive. Commissioners Brown, Carey, Gordon and <br />Halkiotis stated that they had also voted today and that turnout was also light in their precincts. <br />4. County Manager's Report <br />Jahn Link deferred his time to County Attorney Geof Gledhill, who had a report on a <br />legal settlement. <br />Geof Gledhill said that in late January of 2003, Orange County filed three eminent <br />domain actions related to property needed for the solid waste system -particularly the <br />construction and demolition expansion project, which is now in operation. As part of the <br />litigation, the County was required to deposit with the court money that represented the best <br />estimate of what the property was worth. Orange County deposited this money in the case of <br />03-CVS-101, $51,000; in the case of 03-CUS-102, $39,000; and in the case of 03-CUS-103, <br />$126,000. The amount of the deposit was based on an appraisal that the County received in <br />May 2002. He reported that as a result of a mediated settlement that took place this summer, <br />the County was able to settle all of these cases within the amount authorized by the Board. In <br />the case of 03-CVS-101, the total amount of compensation paid to the landowner was $60,047; <br />in the case of 03-CVS-102, the amount was $41,708; and in the case 03-CVS-103, the amount <br />was $170,500. The total amount that the County agreed to pay in this settlement is $272,000, <br />and the amount that was deposited was $216,000. He said that this settlement was fair and the <br />law requires this report to be made and he will give the Clerk copies of the consent judgments. <br />5. Items for Decision--Consent Agenda <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />approve those items on the consent agenda as stated below: <br />a. Minutes <br />The Board approved the minutes as submitted by the Clerk to the Board for meetings on May 4, <br />5, 18, 20, 27, and June 2, 2004. <br />