Orange County NC Website
said, "We've got a bunch of deadbeats here, and we're going to have to throw you in jail to get <br />you to pay." Later, in that same session, the judge said, "The jailor should take that man out <br />back somewhere." He said that the attorney for child support and the public defender all <br />laughed at this. He said that it is a bitter and hostile environment and he has not been allowed <br />to speak. He said that last week a judge passed judgment without pursuing evidence. He said <br />that this is not serving the children. He just wanted to voice his concerns publicly. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the Manager or staff could figure out where he could go to have a <br />conversation about this experience. <br />John Link pointed out Assistant County Manager Gwen Harvey and Director of Child <br />Support Enforcement Janet Sparks that Mr. Raba could speak with. He said that the County <br />administers the child support enforcement program, however, the entire program is highly <br />regulated by the State and district judges determine the final outcomes. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he would like to see some suggestions far improving the <br />system in writing. <br />b. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br />(These matters were considered when the Board addressed that item on the agenda <br />below.} <br />3. Board Comments <br />Commissioner Brown -none <br />Commissioner Carey said that he appreciated all of the people who voted on July 20t" <br />The turnout was greater in Orange County than in many of the surrounding counties. He said <br />that, as a candidate for re-election, he has heard from the public that they would like to know <br />the actions of the County Commissioners' meetings within 24 hours. He asked that the actions <br />from the meetings be posted on the website under the agenda item, within 24 hours or within a <br />reasonable time. <br />Commissioner Carey encouraged the staff to send all candidates far County <br />Commissioner copies of agendas between now and November. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he received two tax bills -one from some properly in <br />Allegheny County with a $50 recycling fee, and one from Orange County. He said that the <br />Allegheny County tax bill has a provision for early payment, so that if you pay the tax bill by the <br />end of August, a certain percentage could be taken off. He asked if this could be done in <br />Orange County. He would like to look into this. He said that Allegheny County instituted the <br />recycling fee a long time ago, and it is a poor county. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that Triangle Transit Authority had planned to have 16 <br />stations in Phase I -12 in 2007-08 and the rest of it was going to be finished in 2011. However, <br />because of certain FTA requirements and financial considerations, TTA is deferring the Duke <br />station and three stations in Raleigh. The extension to Orange County is in Phase II but there is <br />no money for that or these four stations. <br />Commissioner Gordon agreed with Commissioner Corey's suggestion of posting the <br />actions of the meetings on the website as soon as possible. <br />Commissioner Gordon would like to know what Orange County's policy is on women <br />and minority businesses regarding awarding contracts. She would like to develop a policy if one <br />does not exist. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that last spring the Commissioners talked about an <br />efficiency study for the school systems, and she asked the staff to bring back suggestions about <br />proceeding forward. <br />Chair Jacobs said that all candidates are already receiving the agendas for meeting. <br />