Orange County NC Website
UDO AMENDMENT PACKET NOTES <br /> The following packet details staff's proposed modifications to existing regulations and <br /> new standards governing the proposed Rural Economic Development Area Conditional <br /> Use (REDA-CZ-1) District. These amendments are based on comments/direction <br /> received by BOCC, Planning Board, and the Small Area Plan Work Group members at <br /> the November 1, 2012 BOCC meeting when the authorization to proceed was given, the <br /> November 3, 2012 Small Area Plan Work Group meeting, the December 7, 2012 <br /> Ordinance Review Committee meeting with the Planning Board, the February 27, 2012 <br /> Quarterly Public Hearing, and the April 4, 2012 Planning Board meeting. <br /> Staff has divided the proposed amendments into the following color coded <br /> Classifications: <br /> • Red lettering denotes additions/modifications to the existing text. <br /> • Red strikethrni g , lettering denotes suggested deletions to the existing text. <br /> • Red underlined lettering denotes revisions stemming from Quarterly Public <br /> Hearing comments or from the April 4, 2012 Planning Board meeting. <br /> • Bold/Underlined Blue text, with appropriate footnotes, to address modifications <br /> made after packet mailing was made to BOCC members. <br /> These amendments address improper language as well as incorporating edits <br /> requested by BOCC members at previous meetings. <br /> Only those pages of the UDO impacted by the proposed modifications have been <br /> included within this packet. <br /> Please note that the page numbers in this amendment packet may or may not <br /> necessarily correspond to the page numbers in the adopted UDO because the adding <br /> text may shift all of the text/sections downward. <br />