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(1) Properly define and delineate the parking and travel lanes on the <br /> property, and <br /> (2). Define and delineate emergency vehicle access points and fire lanes <br /> on the property. <br /> (G) The facility owner shall work with NCDOT to complete a traffic intersection <br /> analysis for access points along any state-maintained road or highway to <br /> determine need for access improvements such as left turn lanes or <br /> deceleration lanes. <br /> (H) The facility owner shall work with NCDOT, the State Highway Patrol, and <br /> County officials to address traffic management issues to coordinate <br /> acceleration and deceleration lanes at approved entrance and exit points <br /> on the property during major events. <br /> (1) The facility owner shall work with NCDOT and County officials to post <br /> proper signage on the property directing traffic through a one-way ingress <br /> and egress location. <br /> (J) utter GGIlontien and ran <br /> y. <br /> gj systems A litter collection and <br /> recycling system shall be developed throughout the grounds and at all <br /> points of egress. During events facility employees shall remove trash from <br /> the receptacles in a timely manner. a <br /> (K) All new facilities shall install noise abatement systems to ensure <br /> compliance with applicable County noise regulations. <br /> For existing facilities, <br /> Noise OrdinaRGe, the property owner/managers shall provide a noise <br /> baffliRg abatement system so GenGtFUGted as reduce sustained noise <br /> levels at the property lines to the lowest practical level preSGribed levels. <br /> To accomplish this goal, he owners/managers have the options of <br /> employing, either singly or in combination, any ef�_—of the following: <br /> M Requiring all competition vehicles to have functional noise mufflers <br /> attached at all times; <br /> Installing a system of noise baffles, berms, or walls on the <br /> perimeter of the racetrack facility incorporated into the design and <br /> placement of any lighting system and viewing stands, and/or <br /> (3) Depressing the elevation of the raceway track surface, or <br /> a Language was changed to address comments made by Commissioner Jacobs at the February 27,2012 <br /> Quarterly Public Hearing. The concern here was that the original wording appeared to lend credence to <br /> the notion that somehow these `systems' should be considered separate entities rather than a coordinated, <br /> and approved,refuse disposal program. The revised language in bold blue and underlined text more <br /> closely reflects Commissioner Jacobs original request as articulated within the minutes. <br /> 'This new language,in bold blue and underlined text was added to address comments made by <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz over establishing a clear differential between existing and new racetrack <br /> developments. <br /> I <br />